I blame You.

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"People keep asking bout this glow I seem to have , cause I'm just not..myself." Money sung along to the song in the car.

"Girl shutup," I laughed.

"No this my song!" She kept singing. "When they look at me , what they really see , Is the love that got smiling like a fool , I blame you Oh baby , I blame you oh yea yea yea!"

I watched her swing her head and snap her fingers. I noticed she was getting fat, my mother said itt was stress from D's death.

"Soo , I have a question Mo." I said awkwardly.

"Wassup Kheeam?" She turned down the music and looked at me.

"It's about D." I paused and looked at her.

"Oh." her expression changed quickly.

"I noticed you might be still depressed about his death , and it's making you gain weight..." I waited for her to snap .

Instead , she just sat quietly looking out the window

"Mo," I said quietly. "Tell me wassup."

Quietly , but sure enough she said.

"I'm pregnant... with Ju's baby..."





We layed in her bed after 2hours of rough crazy sex .

I sighed  .

" Lacey , we cant do this anymore." I looked sideways at her.

"Why? " She looked furious.

"I have a PREGNANT girlfriend , Monique would freak out. You have a boyfriend , Jason , He's in jail. Wait for him."

"No ! Dovon we can leave them and be together, us."

"Lacey no!" I yelled and got up.

"Baby why?" she crawled across the bed towards me.

"I'm not your baby , Lacey . We cant be together , We cant fuck."

"Ugh! If I cant have you neither can Monqiue!"  She slapped me and stormed off.

"This girl is crazy," I shook my head and got dressed.


I feel Dovon slowly moving on from me. I feel like we wont last for our baby. I'm 5 fucking months pregnant with his baby and all he does is gang bang , leave , smoke and drink. I cant take it amymore.

I need love , someone to hold me at night , rub my belly , be here when our child kicks .

I want a real man.

Ghetto Love O2 [Lonely Girl Series]Where stories live. Discover now