Born By A River

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 Unknown POV

Same dream , over and over repeating in my head. Mother screaming for her dead son in the street , as his cold blood spills down the street, a girl running screaming, children hiding in the house with their mothers. What do I do?! Go back ?! For what!? Nothing. Exactly.

On the T.V all I see is death , Freddie Gray , the Baltimore riots. Shit's crazy. Over and over , death and death. Shit won't end no matter how many pills I pop.

Fuck it, I'm going back.

Money POV

Watching the news on TV with Lil D and Kheeam all we see is killings, riots and a bunch of fools ! I don't ever want to lose my son to these streets like some mothers do, If Lil D ever went out the riot I'd be just like that mom on World Star that caught her son and smacked his ass.

Besides all that crap, I've been dreaming about Durrell a lot lately .. It's weird, I just feel him again, like he hasn't left.. like he's watching over Lil D and I. Ju's family contacted me last month , they want to meet Lil D , his mother kept apologizing and crying saying she didn't raise Ju like that, she raised him to respect women and how much she really wants to meet her grandson, I'm thinking about saying yes but I haven't told Kheeam and I know he'll say no.. but this is really my choice.. right?

"What you thinking about?" Kheeam asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh ? .. Oh nothing just what to make for dinner tonight." He studied me for a bit then decided not to question it.

"Hm.. Ok, well Ima go check on D." He stood up and went upstairs , I took a deep breath and looked at the TV, more bullshit. I turned off the TV and walked outside on the porch. The street was quiet , kids didn't play in the street as much as they used to , people didn't sit on their porches and talk , DVD man wasn't walking around anymore... Things just changed. Ater Durrell died there was a gang war , lots of drive by's , shoot out's , kidnappings. Just got bad. Things are still bad, but better then before, schools shut down, stores closed, lots of things changed. I sighed and started to cry.. I missed him so much.

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