Chapter 9 - End of the Dursley's.

Start from the beginning

"I knew I should have gotten rid of you when you first arrived! And if it was not for the money then I would have!" Vernon yelled, Petunia looked disgruntled at this.

"Vernon shut up!" Petunia yelled, they didn't need another reason for their death's to come slower and more painful.

"What are you talking about Muggle!?" Severus demanded, he had become very protective of the boy since he had learned the truth, he had 5 years to make up.

"That Headmaster of your freakish school was paying us to keep you, he would give us a little extra if we beat you up a little or made you tired, he wanted you to pliable." Vernon said with a sick smirk on his face.

Hadrian scowled, he knew the Headmaster had been paying the Dursley's but he didn't think they were being paid for beating him up and nearly killing him with exhaustion. "You do realise that here in the Wizarding World child abuse is punished by death?" Hadrian asked with a smirk, one that widened when he saw the shock and fear in their eyes.

"You wouldn't, you don't have the guts." Dudley said, he had seen Hadrian when he was younger trying to help all of the animals and people he could, he knew that the boy would never be able to kill them.

"One I have been training in the Dark Arts for a couple weeks now as well as in some torture methods, turns out I am very adapt to them. Two, even if I couldn't kill you myself one of the other's in this room could have that honour and I would watch them." Hadrian said. He smirked when he saw the fear that clouded the 3 Muggle's minds, they had finally learned they weren't getting out of this alive.

"My friends you have free reign but leave them alive for Hadrian." Tom said, when his Inner Circle nodded he turned to Hadrian. "You may fire the first spell but let the other's have a go and then you can kill them." Tom said, when Hadrian nodded he stepped back from the teen.

Hadrian stepped forward and used the Bone Breaking Curse on all of their knee's, this made it impossible for them to run even though they were no longer chained. Once he was satisfied Hadrian stepped back so that his new family could have a go at them.

Bill and Charlie then stepped forward and sneered at the 3 Muggle's, to think that they once agreed with what Dumbledore and their family were talking about. Bill decided to use Aguamenti which was indeed a Light spell but could be used for the Dark, he used it around the head of one Muggle before moving to the next (he didn't want them passing out from his spell). Charlie decided to use a binding spell he learned in his Dragon training, this binding spell even broke bones keep the captured being trapped. Once satisfied Bill and Charlie then stepped back and allowed the next to move forward.

Draco stepped up next, he had always wanted to be friends with Hadrian but the Weasel and Granger had gotten to him first, he was only mean because it was the only way he was able to talk to Hadrian at the time. He decided to use a lethal curse that literally boiled the organs of the Victim and he did this for each Muggle, stopping after all a couple of minutes so they wouldn't die right away.

Remus and Sirius stepped forward at the same time and they both sneered at the 3 Muggle's also, they may not have known Lily and James as well as they thought they did but they still loved Hadrian as a son even now and these people (if you could call them that) had hurt the boy. Remus used a mild but painful Cutting Curse on their legs and arms, this caused them great pain but would not cause a lot of blood loss. Sirius on the other decided to us a spell that allowed you to summon and control small bursts of fire, he burned specific parts of the Muggle's bodies (different on each Muggle) and didn't heal them. Once they were both done they stepped back.

Severus was the one who came up next, like Remus and Sirius he may not have known the real Lily and James Potter but he still cared about Hadrian (even more so in the last couple of weeks). He decided to use his own curse that he created called Sectumsempra and this was a much more severe form of the Cutting Curse and did cause a lot of blood loss, he took of some of their fingers with this spell. He moved back and allowed the next person to go.

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