Chapter 20 - Cold waters

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WARNING ! This chapter has NSFW / Lemon / Sexual content in it.


Two figures hit the waters hard, the surface almost ripping their skin out as they started slowly falling deeper into the unknown lake. It was dark, only the pale moonlight shining through the water to let them see what was around them and how close to the bottom they were.

Everything hurt in Amy's body. Every muscle felt like it had been torn apart, her body parts aching like she had just ran through thousands of knives that cut her skin open, yet there were no scars that were tingling against the cold water. Her mind was blank for a moment like she had a small concussion but when she was able to think straight and see where she was, the memories came flushing back. That's right. She was drowning. Both of them were drowning.

Offender gave no sign of live as his heavy body was pulled deeper into the endless sea, his blood coloring their vision red the deeper he fell to his fate. Amy tried to shake him hard, but no movement came from the man. His lips only parted, a few bubbles escaping from his blood covered mouth. The human tried to act fast before she couldn't hold on without air in her lungs any longer. 

The human tried to pull the man up to the surface, ripping him up from his jacket's collars that covered his neck but he was way too heavy for her to move. The unknown bottom of the dark lake was sucking him in and an option to leave the man and save herself at least came into the girl's head, but she shook it off. She couldn't just leave him. The faceless man had saved her, more than once. It wouldn't be right to not save him, or at least try to.

Amy wrapped her arms around the man tightly and pulled hard, kicking her feet as she tried to swim up, closer to the surface where she could breath, but it was useless. After every second it was harder to hold your breath and she swore her vision was darkening. The blood made the water look like roses, like the moon above them had turned red and colored the world under it with its true colors. A faint memory of something similar to this popped into her head, making her wonder where else she had been under water, covered in blood. It all seemed like the world was ending.

Amy moved her small hands to the man's face, holding him up as she looked at him like it was the last time she could get a glimpse of his non-existing facial features. She wished the last thing she would see before she would die was the man's smile, or literally anything else than his expressionless face covered up in blood. But wishes don't always come true. 

She could almost hear her own heart slowing down steadily, her vision getting so blurry that she couldn't see in front of her as it became harder to hold her breath. Even if she had some days when she had wished for this to happen, she couldn't help but feel sad that she couldn't get to do some things before she would leave this world. So many dreams and hopes she could still make happen if she just had the time, but now there was only room for one.

Their second kiss was very similar to their first one. Another's mouth was covered in blood, giving a weird metallic, salty taste to the kiss. And it happened in a moment where kissing someone would be the last thing you would do. 

Amy wasn't sure why she wanted to kiss him so badly. He wasn't a good man, not even close. But neither was she. She had killed someone with cold blood. But so had Offender. He had used, eaten and killed more people than she could even imagine. Being with him, feeling like this towards him was ... wrong. Yet Offender had been good to her, at least in her own eyes. Or maybe she was blinded with a teenage crush once again that she could not ignore any longer. The fact that she actually had grown to like him made her feel scared and stupid, even if she knew it wasn't the right thing to do. Yet this murdered was the only one who seemed to care about her, or at least pretended to care. He had healed her, made her feel things that no one else has and made her do things she thought she was never even capable of. He had been a shoulder to cry on and the only person who showed signs of affection and lust towards her, making her feel loved for once. Even if he didn't return her feelings, she was glad that he had been there for her, no matter what the reason to that was.

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