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Manik was drying her arms with towel and nandini was silently sitting as she was lost in thinking about her foreign feeling. Manik got up and took out new pair of cloth for her. It was full length gown. Manik had  only purchased  , full length gown and jeans top for her , no short dresses as even in house , he didn't want that she should wear short dresses as because of male servants.

"Baby , go and change your dress "manik said while putting the dress in front of her. Nandini came out of her thoughts by listening his words. She just hummed and left toward washroom after grabbing the cloth.

"What is happening to me , why i always feel like my body starts burning whenever he touches me , whenever he kisses me , this feeling is very new which i never felt before , what is this , i am not understanding anything  and why he cares for me too much  " Nandini closed the door after coming inside and said to herself standing in front of mirror , touching her lips.

"But He is a big big wala monster " she said angrily ,  fisting the dress tightly.

" I shouldn't think about him , i should think about mumma papa , they will be worried for me , they will be finding me " she said sadly and her eyes started becoming teary.

"I have to think something else to get rid of this monster , i will run away from here "she said looking at mirror having determination in her eyes.


"Thank god monster is sitting outside , now i will  think about my escape plan comfortably "She came out , after changing her dress and took relief  , seeing him working on his laptop in balcony. She decided to take help of mukti.

Before she could walked out of room , manik stopped her holding her hand and she turned toward him and found him smiling. She looked at him confusingly.

"Are you thinking to run from this house baby ?"he asked sweetly , cubbing her face after leaving her hand.

"Yes , i will run away "she immediately replied back and he held her face little tightly and her eyes filled up with anger which made her scared and she closed her eyes.

"Okay , then try baby , i will not stop you "he said leaving her face and she opening her eyes , looked at him confusingly , she thought he will shout on her again but that didn't happen.

Manik was also about to shout on her but stopped after remembering mukti's words and replied back calmly. Mukti words  worked like a magic on manik that today the rude , arrogant Manik Malhotra trying to control his anger.

It was not just about mukti words , it was love , manik loved nandini that's why for her , he was trying to change and controlling his anger as he wanted that she should accept him as her husband from her heart not after getting scared from him.


"Sweety , you can't run away from here , it is not easy , if bhai will come to know about this , i am helping you , he will kill me "nandini was in mukti room and she was trying explain nandini that it is not easy for her to escape from here.

After listening mukti's words , nandini's face hung down sadly and mukti felt bad for her but she was also helpless.

"Sweety , tell me something what you do you in your pass time , any games or something else"mukti asked and tried to change the topic.

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