"I know and I'm doing the same. Trust me, they like you more than my last girlfriend. I think it's because I was more upfront about us. I never really admitted I had a girlfriend before"

"Honestly, it's difficult but I'm managing it"

"Do people say stuff to you in public?"

"Not really. I've only had a few girls ask for photos or ask if we're dating. Nothing horrible, only nice"

"That's sweet of them" I nodded. "I saw the comments on the photo from my birthday you put up"

"That's the worst so far"

"I know. Some of those comments were horrible. You're not a slut or a gold digger or any of what they said. You're definitely not fake either. Listen, I know it's hard but please just ignore it. I hate to say it but it'll only get worse and it'll be harder to ignore but not everyone is going to like you in this world and once you get past that, it becomes easier to accept"

"I know. I just hate how I even get hate for posting a photo with Bryana. Like what did I do wrong? Have friends? People are always like oh you only know her because of Luke. She probably doesn't even like you. This friendship is so forced. That's almost more frustrating than the hate I get about you because at least that's because they're either jealous or just being protective of their idol. With Bryana, it's kind of just nit picking at nothing to find a flaw. I'm not saying I'm flawless but I don't think the fans realise that I'm a normal person just like them that has a job and works her ass off to afford anything and get want she wants in life"

"I'm sorry you have to go through all this"

"It's fine. It's not your fault. I love you and nothing's going to change that. Your fans especially won't change that. Our relationship is exactly that. Ours. No one else's. So no one else has the right to weigh in on who we are as people and whether we should be together or not"

"I've never heard such truer words" I smiled. "I love you too by the way" I leaned over the small table and pecked his lips.

"So what's the plan for after this?"

"Walk around LA a little? Maybe go to Beverly Hills and do a little shopping. Kind of feel like spoiling my girl"

"Your girl? Bitch please I'm as independent as they come" He chuckled as our drinks were served.


"Do you like that?" Luke asked.

"I don't like the price tag" Luke had decided we should go shopping on Rodeo Drive but forgot that I had nowhere near enough money to afford anything along this road.

"Don't worry about the price. I'll buy it for you"

"I don't want you spending all your money on me and I'll never be able to pay you back"

"I don't want the money back. I rarely buy you things. I just want to spoil you because I love you"

"Luke" I whined.

"One thing. Just pick one thing to buy" I nodded. "In every shop" He mumbled quietly at the end. I hit his arm and he smiled innocently at me. I rolled my eyes and look around the store more but ended up back at the same pale pink bag I'd been looking at before. I turned to look for Luke and saw him over by the cash register, paying for whatever he'd picked up. He just smiled at me as the woman handed him two bags, one smaller and one slightly bigger. He finished paying before taking the bags in one hand and my hand in his other.

"Thank you for not pressuring me into buying anything" I said, noticing how he didn't mention anything else after our little chat. He just shrugged and we carried on walking along the pavement.


"When's your birthday?" Luke asked as we sat in the living room with Petunia between us.

"Next month"

"What date?"


"We share the same date" He said. "We're definitely meant to be together"

"Yep, that's what makes us compatible" I remarked. He rolled his eyes and nudged me.

"What do you want to do for your birthday?"

"I don't know, I haven't really thought about it"

"Don't think about it. I'll plan something for you"

"You don't have to do that"

"Nothing's going to stop me from spoiling you on your birthday"

"You seriously don't have to"

"I'm your boyfriend. I'm going to plan something and you're going to have a great day" He said.

"I'll look forward to it" He smiled, knowing he'd won.

"It'll be the best birthday you've ever had"

"I know it will because you'll be there" I said before pecking his lips and smiling as did he.

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