4. First phone call

Începe de la început

The mail read

Hello participant!

Heartiest congratulations from our side for clearing the auditions of India's Sensational Singer Season 1. You have been assigned to Dev Dixit's team & will be practising with him & your other team mates in a week.
Here is a breif outlook of the show's format

(10 contestants per team selected)

Qualifier 1
(5 contestants per team selected)

Qualifier 2
(2 contestants per team selected)

Main rounds with the top 8


Eliminations & wild card


Grand Finale

•The winner gets a cash prize of 25 Lakhs & music album sponsored by Mouni Roy
•A Creta (car)
• Fame & a new life

Best regards,
Roy Productions!

PS- You'll have to shift in Asha Apartment along with the other participants on next Sunday viz 23 July 2017. Details regarding which will be send to you shortly!

I read that mail & excitement bubbled in me again. The feeling of being worthy & accepted ran through my veins. The confidence I had lost after my 1st break up came back in bits & pieces. I felt like the old Sonakshi Bose again!

The gloomy feeling subsided. I kept my phone on my bedside table & to put all negative thoughts aside I decided to indulge in an afternoon siesta

I looooove sleeping by the way.

I woke because of the constant notification alert on my phone. I got up, there were so many reports I had to check which were send to me on my whatsapp from the head of the pathology department at Fortis. Scrolling through the recent messages I found one from an unknown number. I tapped the message to open the chat box & it read

Hi Sonakshi Bose!

This message was sent an hour ago. I replied:

Who is this?

The reply came back quickly

I am Dev ... Dev Dixit

I was feeling sleepy & this guy was joking with me.

If you are Dev Dixit ... I'm Narendra Modi

He: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Me: I guess you are thinking that I'm Kapil Sharma

He: Ufff! I'm seriously Dev Dixit

Me: Nd I'm Narendra Modi Acche din waale.

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