Chapter 25: Freeing Ryuko

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A/N: you, Mako and senketsu find a way to free ryuko from being under the control of the improved Junketsu while satsuki and the other two dragons battle her.

Frostwing: well, we are going to die.

Red Eyes: oh hell no. We dragons aren't going down without a fight.

Red Eyes and gandora charged at ryuko.

(Y/N): guys, wait!

They didn't hear you as they continued to charge at her. Red Eyes tried to attack her right and gandora her left. She kicked gandora away with tremendous amount of force.

Ryuko: weak ass lizards.

She grabbed red eyes by the neck and slammed him to the ground. He tried to bite her and thrown her off but she slammed her foot on his head and pointed her scissor blade near his head.

Satsuki: that's enough, matoi. Now your facing me.

She turned to satsuki, who was wearing Senketsu and smirked.

Ryuko: good. I was watching for another rematch With you, bitch.

Dark Sorcerer: this isn't right. This improved Junketsu has control over ryuko and changed all of her memories.

(Y/N): oh Christ. This kind of shit.

Ikara: th......that skittles haired bitch.

(Y/N): we need to do all that we can to get ryuko to regain her memories.

Ikara: so beat the memories out of her?

Frostwing: I'm guessing that what we're going for.

Satsuki ran at ryuko and crossed blades with her.

Ryuko: think you can take me this time?

Satsuki: you need to get a hold of yourself matoi.

Ryuko: that all you can say?

Senketsu: ryuko, this isn't you.

Ryuko: like any of you know jack shit about me.

She pushed the both of them back with so much strength in her body. But just as sue did That, you knocked her off of red eyes and her flying across the gravel until she landed on her feet.

Ryuko: I was especially looking forward to skinning you alive, reptile.

Dark Sorcerer: I would say she's got the wrong creature but nows not the time.

She was then hit by many tennis balls that were suppose to hurt but they didn't seem to do anything to her.

(Y/N): odd. The new balls she's got are suppose to be extremely hard.

Dark Sorcerer: boy, can't wait for the comments on that one to start rolling in.

Ryuko: oh no this bullshit again.

Omiko: uh oh.

Ryuko: this time I'm killing you.

You fired a dragon's roar at ryuko to keep her attention back on you. She dodged it and turned back to you.

Ryuko: attacking me while my back was turned? What a cheap trick.

Satsuki swung her blade her ryuko once more but she blocked again without even looking.

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