K.TH(V) ~ BTS ~ Make Up Sex

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-- MarkShiki

His big hands leaving fire after every touch. You know this is wrong but how about just once more before you leave for good? His hands just felt so good against your skin, an addiction you cannot stop.

{ a few hours ago}

"No Kim Taehyung! Just let me walk away! You're the one at fault anyway and you know it! Let me leave!" You screamed at your ... boyfriend... soon to be ex-boyfriend.

"YN please just let me explain!"

"Explain what? The fact that there was a girl at the door, holding a bouquet of roses and looking for a 'Kim Taehyung' while being all dolled up with puckered up lips? The fact that someone just barged into OUR house looking for MY man claiming that he's HERS? Kim Taehyung how are you going to explain all of that, huh?" You snapped your wrist out of his grip and picked up your bag, putting your phone into your pocket and leaving in a blink of an eye, tears stinging at the edges of your eyes.

Have you done the right thing? Have you over reacted? Maybe, but you didn't care. This fuckboy-ish behavior better stop if he wants you to stay as his.

You ran to your sisters house, Lisa, you knocked on the door and she immediately opened it.

"Oh hey YN! I missed you!" She smiled and you coldly walked in, saying nothing and her facial expression changed to a blank look at your actions.

She took hold of your wrist, pushing you down to the couch and sitting next to you.

"YN. Spill. What happened?"

You hesitated, she already didn't like the idea of you and Taehyung together. Should I tell her? Wait why do I care? He really is a jerk, a cute one. You thought.

"I think I'm being cheated on..." you said, there was a short pause from the both of you as she looked straight into your eyes giving you a 'do you want me to kill him? Because I've been waiting for the right time' you looked back and gave a 'listen to me' look.

"Ok ok, why do you think that?"

"Because, girls randomly show up at our door, all dressed up like total hoe material with a huge fucking amount of lip gloss. Like seriously? Lip gloss? It's not 1987! One of them claimed he's her man when he's MINE"

She laughed at your comment, but turned serious after that.

"Look, you need to get an explanation. If you don't, then you're both at fault. Get an explanation before you do anything serious, I see the way you look at him and he looks at you, you two are so deeply in love to easily get out."

She made so much damn sense that it made you feel dumb.

"I will... can I stay here the night though?"

"You don't have to fucking ask YN! You can barge in and do whatever shit you want! I'm your sister for gods sake!" She chuckled.

"Mhm, now where's the ice cream and chips?"

"Right on it! Go change into one of my pijamas and we'll get to the sad-eating stage of every relationship."

You chuckled at her and went upstairs to change, you couldn't ask for a better sister.

{after 3 bowls of ice cream and 2 movies.}

"LisaAAaaAAaaaA" you whined at your sister, wanting to see if she's awake or not. Seems not. You walked upstairs to take a shower.

After your shower, you put your undergarments on, when Taehyung instantly popped into your mind... you had an idea. You put on a jacket that reaches up to your knees and buttoned it up. You picked up your phone and bag and left the house but not before you left a note on the counter to let your sister know you won't be here when she wakes up.

" I'm dumb... what am I doing?" You sighed to your self, walking over to your and Taehyungs house.

After a few minutes of walking, you reach the house. You knock on the door, knowing that you can easily just open it but you didn't.

Not long after, he opened the door.

"H-hey.." you greeted.

"H-hey YN.."

You walked in, welcoming yourself into your own house, pushing through and walking to your bedroom while he follows after.

When he closed the door, looking curious but also sad and you couldn't stand it. You immediately unbuttoned the jacket and let it slide down your soft skin, you stood there as he stared in disbelief.

He walked up to you, his hands at your sides as he slammed his lips to yours. Feeling a burning desire growing, you gripped the rim of his shirt and pulled it off, along with his pants and boxers. Slamming your lips back to his, his hands found their way to your bra strap, unhooking it and letting it fall next to both your bodies.

He picked you up, and put you down gently on the bed, sucking every bit of your silky skin on your neck. His hands snakily pulled your panties down and let them pool around your feet before you pulled them off.

He wasted no time, he thrusted his length completely in you but waited for a bit, before his thrusts started. You could feel him hitting your spot with every thrust. Surely enough, a couple of thrusts later you both came and he laid down next to you.

{present time}

His hands just felt so good against your skin, an addiction you cannot stop, but you knew you needed answers. And you will get them...as soon as you wake up.

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