Chapter Thirty - Six

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July 19th, 2015

Christina's P.O.V

Today. Today I tell my best friend why and how much I love him. Today I exchange proper vows with my husband. I sat in front of Rose as she did my make – up and hair. I'm a simple person so my look today is very simple. Soft curls to my long blonde hair barely there make –up. Mascara and bit of concealer and some blush. That's all. Once she was done, her and Becky helped me into my dress and did it up for me.

I stood in front of the mirror admiring myself as the girls fixed their dresses. I smiled knowing I wasn't nervous. I've know I made the right decision since the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. I heard the door as Rose let Tom inside kissing him gently. Tom walked over to me. "You look beautiful Chris. Fergal's one lucky son of a bitch." He hugged me tightly as we got ready.

I heard the boy's music start and when it changed I ushered the girls out the door. I waited until I heard my music play and I took a deep breath. As soon as I stepped into Fergal's line of view his jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. I watched as a couple of tears fell down his cheeks as I got closer to him. Tom hugged me gently and placed my hand in Fergal's. My own eye's filled with tears as I looked up at him. "You look beautiful..." He whispered. I smiled and looked straight into his eyes.

"Fergal Devitt. I met you when we were only three years old. That day you and your parents joined us for dinner and we sat in the living room playing together. But I remember what I said to you. I said 'You're my new best friend okay?' and you only said okay. From that day we were inseparable. We have been together since nineteen ninety six.Nearly twenty years years. Twenty years and you still give me butterflies. Twenty years and I feel like it was just yesterday I fell in love with you. Being with you is like being on a permanent high. You and our boys mean the absolute world to me. I've been in love with you since the day you held me in your arms as I had a panic attack for the first time when we were twelve. You were so scared for me. But you held me close and whisper sweet nothings in my ear. At the time I didn't think much of it besides you being a good friend.But I soon realized that was the day I fell in love with you. You are my best friend and the most amazing father to our children. I love you more than anything and I am so happy and proud to be yours forever and share your last name. You've always been the only man for me. I love you Fergal Devitt." I reached up and wiped tears from his eyes as he looked down at me. His eyes staring into mine felt like he was looking straight at my soul.

He reached up and cupped my cheek gently and I felt myself leaning into his touch. "Christina Devitt. You have given me my reasoning for life. You're my muse and my motivation. My motivation to not only be the best I can be but to be a better man. You make me a better man.The day you gave birth to our boys was a day that was supposed to be the happiest day in my life. But as soon as I thought I was going to loose you my world crumbled. I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to go on without you... When they told me you were okay I can't even explain the rush of emotions that came over me. Nearly twenty years is a long time to love someone, but I plan to love you until the end of time. You are the woman that has made me who I am today through our heartbreaks and memories. Through your support and your love. I'm not sure who I would be today without you, but I can't even imagine a world without you in it. You are the only woman in this world that I will ever love more than anything. You and our boys are my entire world and I will love all three of you until my life ends and longer than that. You Christina are the only woman for me. I love you Christina Devitt." His words sunk in and I allowed my tears to slip from my eyes as he spoke. I looked right at him seeing his sincerity, love and the happiness in his eyes.

My father rose with Ryan in his arms and stood next to Fergal's father who held Rilley in his arms. My father spoke first. "Fergal, do you take Christina to have and to hold, in sickness and in health so long as you both shall live?"

Fergal looked into my eyes as he confidently replied. "I do."

Fergal's father this time spoke. "Christina, do you take Fergal to have and to hold, in sickness and in health so long as you both shall live?"

"I do." I whispered. Fergal only continued to stare deeply into my eyes. Both of his hands still cupping my face as my hands rested on his waist. I got lost in the moment until everyone screamed 'KISS HER!'. Fergal smiled brightly and leaned down claiming my lips as his own. We both poured every emotion we had into that kiss and again the butterflies were there, my knees felt weak and I knew this man would never leave me. I love him and our boys more than anything in this world and even I do not know what I would do without them. I could hear everyone cheering around us, but I didn't care. The only thing that mattered in that moment was my incredible husband and I know what he means about his reason for living. Because he's mine...

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