Chapter 2

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Cyra was like no one that I had ever laid eyes on. She was undeniably stunning with her flawless silky brown skin, and long legs. She had big brown eyes that could draw you in by just one glance. Her hair was cleanly tapered in the back, and extremely curly in the front. The curls all seemed to fall into place perfectly tousled. And her lips were full and thick. After Cyra mentioned her name, everything was a blur. I was too focused on how her mouth formed words so beautifully. I didn't hear another word that she said until her lips stopped moving. Cyra had a confused look on her face like "Were you even listening to me?" I snapped out of my daze and said, "I'm sorry can you repeat that?"

She laughed a little bit and said, "Are you okay? When I came in, you were crying."

I looked away embarrassed. "I'm fine now thanks." I said and frantically unpacked my boxes. I didn't want her to see another tear drop fall. It's already bad that I'm catching feelings for her, and now she's already seen me at a weak point.

An awkward silence filled the room until Cyra said, "I'm not one of those people who say 'oh my gosh! Like were going to be best friends!' because nine time out of ten, we'll meet other people. So as of now, I hope we become good acquaintances."

She was so straight forward and honest. That was one quality I liked about her. She always spoke her mind even if it ended up hurting me.

"Okay." I said kind of hurt that she didn't even think that we would become friends.

"Not saying that it can't happen, it's just kind of unlikely. I've never really lived with anyone before, and you could be completely bad shit crazy." Cyra said unpacking her things.

I wouldn't blame her if she did already thought that I was crazy. I was crying on the floor; not the best way to make a first impression. Cyra packed unusually light. She had only one big duffel bag of clothes like a vagabond. It was like she was bound to leave this place at any moment.

"How do I know that you're not crazy?" I managed to say once all my tears dried up. "You could be some deranged psychopath who kills people for all I know."

Cyra looked at me and said, "Why would I be here then if I'm on some grand killing spree?"

"I don't know, you got me." I said defeated.

Cyra then laughed a little. It was a cute airy laugh that was contagious, and her smile was wide. She unpacked the few thing that were in her bag.

"Why did you pack so little?" I asked sitting on the bed at the right side of the room. I guess as of then I claimed it.

"I don't need a lot. If you carry light it's easier to move if need be." This made me wonder if she was accustomed to moving so often. I couldn't imagine being on the move constantly. But something about her seemed like she was used to it. "I don't really put much value in material things. It's easier to part with things when you don't value them as much." Cyra said as she unpacked the rest of her things.

Something about this statement unsettled me. Was that how she felt about just material things, or was this how she felt about people also. "Why do you feel that way? What's the harm in putting value into something you care deeply for?" I ask

Cyra sits on my bed and crosses her legs and says, "I don't want to get into my whole life story. It's pretty sad actually. But just know that life has taught me one thing. And that's not to hold on to things tightly because in the end you'll hurt less when it's taken away."

I could see her perspective. I guess in her life she has had to part with some valuable things. But to me, that's no reason to not care about anything. I looked at her for a minute before I caught myself staring. I turned away and moved to unpack my stuff. Cyra crossed over to the other side of the room where the door was and said. "I'm heading out to get some food, you hungry?" I shook my head no and she said. "Alright, but don't expect me to share when I get back. I offered." I laughed a little. "Don't worry I won't ask." And with that she was out of the room. 

I flopped down on the bed. And suddenly I realized that I was holding in a breath that I was unaware of before. It was like I was Cyra relived that she was gone. But I also wanted her to stay. I stared at the white ceiling above me. And thoughts swarmed through my head. How am I going to get through these next four years? How am i going to pass classes? How was I supposed to think straight when I was sharing a room with maybe one of the prettiest girls on campus? All of my thoughts were interrupted by my growling stomach. I lied to Cyra when I said I wasn't hungry because honestly, I was afraid of embarrassing myself in front of her again. 

I managed to scrounge up ten dollars for some food. I thought maybe if I ordered food, then I wouldn't have to take the bus. But I also wanted to see the city. I wanted to see everything. So instead of ordering I decided to go out to eat, and sight see.

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