Damn. Poor Nate.

"So, what about Ben?" I listen intently as Soph asks the question that fills me with dread.

Fuck. Poor me.

"What about him?" My hurricane fires back. I'd probably appreciate her smart ass reply, if it was any other question.

"You know, is he The One?" Sophie's soft giggle does nothing for my nerves.

"Oh. Well, yeah. I mean, it's not him that I don't know about." I hear collective gasps as Kat blows all our minds.

Wait. What the fuck does that even mean?

"What the fuck does that mean?" Red echoes my thoughts. That was kinda creepy.

Kat sighs. "I mean-"

"Hey guys, it's time for Psych class. You ready?" An unfamiliar voice interrupts the most important moment of my life.

Shit. Fuck. No. No. NO.

I hate you random voice. You suck.

That was fucking intense and I still need to talk to Red. Maybe I should stick to texting, but where would be the fun in that?

I shoot off a quick text to Red to call me before I start shoving things into my pockets.


I'll just leave that on the floor where I lost it earlier. Why the fuck did I listen in like a creeper?

Why am I such an idiot? What did any of that even mean?

Shit. Now I just have a million questions and an epic date to plan. This should go well...

"Get it together." I glare at my own stupid face in the mirror, but it doesn't make me feel any calmer.

Driving to the store, all I can think about is Kat. She doesn't know about what?

By the time I get a shopping cart, my brain has replayed the conversation a thousand times.


Okay, get it together. Focus. First things first, flowers. Should I go classic with a single rose? Or get a full bouquet? I wish I knew her favorite flower. You would think with all the talking we did, that would have come up, but no.

I know her favorite color is red, but does that include flowers?

Fuck it. I'm going all out. Why not?

I grab the biggest bouquet they have and it even comes in a vase with hearts all over it. Perfect.

Damn. I wish I could get a bottle of wine here. It's one thing to get into a bar underage, but a store is a whole different ballgame.

I grab a bottle of sparkling cider, just for the heck of it and head to the chocolate aisle.

Now, what kind of chocolate? She usually goes for cake, but that's not super romantic to hold behind my back. I've never seen her eat dark chocolate, but then again I've rarely seen her eat anything. Should I get the peanut butter kind? Or maybe caramel? Or the kind with nuts?

I giggle like the immature schoolboy that I am, before realizing I'm in public and I've been staring at chocolate for 15 minutes, more than likely muttering to myself.

The grey haired lady next to me looking at the hard candies gives me a look, before reaching for a bag just out of her reach. Without thinking, I pull it down for her with my empty hand.

Before I can hand them to her, her face lights up, a broad smile completely transforming her face. "Why thank you, handsome young man."

"You are quite welcome." I almost called her beautiful in return, but I caught myself. Only one Beautiful in my life.

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