"Shut up." I said, making my blonde companion look at me in confusion.

"Did you say something?" Annie asked.

"No, just thinking out loud." I replied, but the shade seemed upset at this.

"What? So you'll talk to her, but not me? That's just cruel Naruto-kun."

"I said shut up! Why are you even here?!" I shouted back, making Annie and the shade jump at the harshness of my voice.

"Because I love you..." The shade responded.

"No you don't! You don't love me! You can't! You're just a figment my imagination!" The shade seemed to grow smaller at my words. "If you really loved me than you'd still be here..."

"That doesn't change-."

"Naruto...?" I looked back at a somewhat scared Annie. Her eyes were wide and she wasn't moving.


"Who are you talking to?"

I released a low growl before looking over to where the shade once stood. She was gone, hidden within the confines of my subconscious. "..." I turned and continued walking into the mist. This couldn't be an ongoing thing. I need to keep this thing caged, lest it completely drives me insane.

Annie decided not to pursue the question as another rumble could be heard deeper into the mist. Brandishing my hooks, a massive mouth about half the size of the titan before, one that would be seen at the end of leech, protruded out in an attempt to eat me. Jumping back, I latched the hooks onto the inside of its mouth as I moved backwards. 'Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu' I voiced within my mind as I ran through the handseals and releasing a fireball towards its mouth. The leech attempted to close its mouth, but I applied lightning to my chains numbing its jaw and forcing it to leave its mouth open. The fireball entered its mouth and exploded in the creature's stomach, but the leech remained alive. Before I could continue my attack, however, Annie appeared next to it in her titan form with a hardened fist. It fell down onto its back, splitting the creature in two and sending dark purple blood spraying all over us. Walking up to the dead creature, I removed my hooks from the inside of its mouth and glanced up at Annie, who was looking at me in concern.

More rumbles could be heard as I began looking around. At the edge of the blanket of mist six more leech like creatures could be seen poised to strike. Gripping my hooks tighter, I positioned myself next to Annie just as the monsters attacked us.


"I don't know if we should do this. What if something happens to you? I have never done this before and anything, and I mean anything, can happen." I said as I looked over my notes.

"But if it does work than you will have a powerful tool at your disposal. Even if you can only use it once than it should be enough to turn the tide in your favor." The older man said as he moved towards the center of the circle. Around him were seal upon seal etched into the ground in a circle with a single red and black scroll opened up in front of him.

"Yes, yes, I know what the implications are, but what about you?"

"The reward far outweigh the risks, Naruto." The older man smiled as he sat down at the epicenter of the massive seal. "You have suffered so much since agreeing to watch over our world. This small task is miniscule compared to what you will have to endure." I frowned as I stared at the older man. "No matter what happens, you will always be my best friend. From now until the end of time. Always remember that."

Nodding my head, I activated the seals that surrounded my friend, and I watched as they began to glow a dark red. His body began to steam as the seals went to work on their described tasks. "Are you okay?!" It looked like it was beginning to hurt.

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