Laced court

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Petra and Rico continued to chase after the Gray as she shot through the dark forest. The only light coming from the moon above as finally Petra managed to find an angle in which to strike.

"You're not getting away!" Petra shouted as she swung her swords at the mercenary. The Gray barely managed to dodge the attack, but the blades succeeded in slicing through one the cables that connected to the 3D maneuver gear.

"Shit!" The Gray exclaimed as she fell to the ground, tumbling on impact until finally coming to an abrupt end thanks to a rather thick bush. Rico was seen flying towards the female Gray, but stopped when her opponent brought up her swords in an attempt to spear her when she approached. Rico slid past the mercenary, coming to a stop just as Petra landed next to her.

"There's no use running now, criminal. Surrender and you won't be hurt." Rico stated with an air of authority. The women began to laugh at Rico's words as said Gray stood up from the bush she had fallen into. The hood that had adorned her head fell off on impact.

"Surrender? Don't make me laugh! You, of all people, should know that's impossible." The women said, brandishing her swords as the words left her mouth. Rico frowned at her words, but shook her head nonetheless.

"And you, of all people, should know that we are forced to ask." Rico responded.

"My name is Samantha Abt and I was second in command of this squad. I won't be so easy to take down." Samantha said with a grin. She had blonde hair with milk chocolate eyes and was about the same height as Petra. Her demeanor was that of complete confidence, or maybe cockiness?

"There's two of us and only one of you. Just surrender before you get hurt." Petra said, trying to reason with the mercenary.

"That only makes it more interesting!" Samantha exclaimed as she dashed towards the two soldiers. Rico jumped to the side while Petra engaged the Gray. Samantha brought down her sword onto her opponent, but this was blocked by a blade of Petra's. The scout had little time to counter as a knee was smashed into her stomach, making her stumble backwards in an attempt to catch her breath. Samantha renewed her charge, but caught something from the corner of her eye and reacted instinctively by rolling to the side. A cord shot straight over her just as she rolled away. Said cord embedded itself into a nearby tree with Rico flying towards Samantha. The Gray fell backwards onto her back, but while falling she had managed to block Rico's flying slash. Sparks lit up the dark forest as the two metal blades made contact with one another. Rico slid to a stop and Samantha fell onto her back with an audible THUMP.

Petra dashed towards the Gray, but was forced to slow her attack when Samantha tilted her body and fired her remaining cord at her face. The orange haired soldier ducked underneath the flying cable and sliced it in half, rendering the Gray's 3D maneuver gear useless. Grunting, Samantha removed the burden that was her useless 3D maneuver gear and ripped her swords from her old equipment. Just as she did this Samantha was forced to block a left slice from Rico. After being blocked the silver haired women went for a stabbing motion, but to her surprise the attack was parried, leaving her completely open.

"You lose four eyes!" Samantha shouted, but before she could bring her sword in to finish off Rico, the Gray saw a glint in the corner of her eye. A searing pain shot into her right shoulder as Samantha back stepped until she was a safe distance away from her enemies. Her right arm was now laying on the ground in front of Rico, who still held an expression on complete surprise.

"You okay there Rico?" Petra asked in concern as she eyed Samantha.

"Fine, thanks." Rico responded as they watched the blood spill out of Samantha's open wound.

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