Chapter 9:golden crossroads

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Its been awhile. Ive been locked out of this account for years and never thought I'd be back lol.

Chapter 10: Golden Crossroad

"Damn do I hate these jobs..." James said as he closed a set of double doors to a rather luxurious office. Sculptures and paintings lined the sections of the walls that wasn't covered by bookshelves. "But you did the right thing sendin' your wife and kids away. Don't want em' seein this unsightly business." James turned to see a rather portly man sitting behind a desk. He was sweating profusely as he stared down at his desk in anticipation of what was to come.

"To think someone paid the Grays to come after me. What did I do to deserve this?" The man asked to nobody in particular.

"Couldn't tell ya, but he did offer a bunch of money for yer head so we didn't ask nothin about it." James spun the cylinder of his revolver and quickly loaded a single bullet. Stopping the motion just as a golden bullet was behind the barrel, James pointed the weapon towards the businessman. "Any last words?"

"Will you even remember them if I told you?" He responded in disgust, making James chuckle somewhat.

"Nope, but I found that it makes people feel a little better before they bite the dust." James then clicked back the hammer and took aim. "Maybe you can ask em' if it made them feel better for me." A loud bang resonated throughout the room, making the birds on the rooftops flutter about in panic.

James stayed like this for a moment, simply pointing his smoking revolver at the now dead businessman before slowly placing it within its holster on his hip. He took a deep sigh and fell back into one of the chairs in the corner of the room. Leaning his elbows on his knees, the Gray covered his face in his hands. "I hate this job, you know? Killin' people that is. Every time I shoot someone it takes a little of me with it." James looked up to the dead body of the business man and found that it hadn't moved, much to the gunslinger's relief. "A mercenary aint a good occupation for a family man, but someone like you wouldn't know anythin bout that. You're just an honest man that looked at some powerful people the wrong way." James stood and walked over the side of the desk where a window was built into the wall. The city street outside made it known to him that he was still inside the city of Yarckel. "I'm sorry for the pain I've put on yer family. Hopefully they'll learn to forget like the rest of us..."

Not five seconds later the door to the room burst open revealing three Military Police brandishing their weapons. "Everyone on the ground!" A woman shouted, clearly the squad leader, but all that met them was a dead body and an open window.

James landed on the roof of the nearby building before glancing back at the window he had just departed from. The job was done. Now all he needed to do was lay low for a while and leave the city once the Military Police quieted down.

Zipping across the roofs of the city, James was abruptly halted when a shadowy figure landed before him. It was dark out and the only light came from the street lights behind the dark mantle.

"How can I help ya?" James asked as his hand hovered over his revolver on his hip.

"You..." The voice was feminine, but this didn't help the Gray in learning who stood before him. "You're a Gray."

"..." James's eyes narrowed as he stared at the girl. "And you're a soldier, aintcha?"

"So I finally found one." The dark mantle lowered her hood to reveal dark orange hair and blazing emerald eyes. "You're going to answer a few of questions."

"Oh? And what are those questions little lady?"

"Does the name 'Naruto' ring any bells?"

"It could, depending on the price." James replied with a grin. The soldier only growled as she stared down the Gray. "Got a name soldier girl?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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