Chapter Twenty-Five.

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Having felt that last night was going to go sideways, Flora had safely stashed her wand into her undergarments. It was uncomfortable, but how else was a lady supposed to hide her wand?

Flora searched frantically among the folds of her dress for the pear wood stick which harboured the power to save her friend. Finally grabbing the wand with trembling fingers, Flora wielded it in her right hand, pointing it down towards Elsie's twitching body.

Similar to how she had fumbled for her wand, Flora searched her racing mind for the spell to help Elsie, to release the curse Oleander had placed upon the girl's throat.

Before she realised she had opened her mouth, the word 'Anapneo' fell from her lips. Slowly but surely, Elsie's laboured, troubled breathing turned into heavy gasps, grateful for the air which was now filling her lungs.

Flora heaved a sigh of relief and fell to her knees beside her friend. Her friend, who had searched relentlessly for her, despite the fact that Flora had run from her without a second glance. Flora realised now that all Elsie, and Walter, had ever wanted for her was happiness. Their only fault had been believing that what made them happy, would make Flora happy.

"F-Flora," Elsie breathed, and Flora wrapped her arms tightly around the shivering girl.

The girls sat in silence for a moment clinging to each other before Elsie opened her mouth again.

"Whatever he said to you Flora - whatever he's ever said to you - just know it's not true. You're worthy enough to use the magic you were gifted with, and you're more than worthy to bear the name Cuthbert."

Flora hugged the girl tightly before pulling them both up to their feet.

"Thank you Elsie," Flora began. "For not giving up on me. You, Walter and Ernest, you all loved me, you all looked for me, and I never even said goodbye. I'm sorry."

"It's us who should be sorry Flora," Elsie spoke softly with a small smile. "We never noticed how unhappy you were. Maybe if we had, we wouldn't have had to go through this. And you wouldn't have landed in whatever mess brought you to be arrested by MACUSA."

Both girls couldn't help but laugh at the drama that had unfolded.

"Yes, maybe we should get out of here," Flora said, giving Elsie's shoulder a gentle squeeze.

However, as the girls took a step towards the door, hand in hand, it opened with a creak, revealing an Auror on the other side.

"Let's go ladies," said the tall, dark woman in a trench coat. Her beautiful face was contorted into a wicked smile; a smile which caused Flora and Elsie to take two steps backwards.

As the Auror outstretched her wand-bearing hand, Flora heard some familiar voices in the hallway. And, before she could grab her wand, the Auror's body was struck rigid as she fell forwards into the room, all to the tune of Queenie Goldstein yelling "Petrificus Totalus!".

"Nice one!" Jacob Kowalski's voice echoed through the hallway in approval, as the pair hurried towards the doorway.

"Q-Queenie!" Flora said breathlessly both in surprise and relief.

"The Goldstein sister?" Elsie asked in surprise, confused as to how Flora would know the girl, as she knew how much Oleander detested the family.

Flora released her grip on Elsie and rushed towards Queenie, hugging the girl who had saved her, not just from the Auror, but from her father.

Turning to Jacob, Flora caught him in a tight grip also, surprising the No-Maj.

"Look at us, eh?" he chuckled after a moment, patting the young blonde witch on the back. "I thought we were goners back there."

"I'm not sure we're out of this mess just yet," Flora replied after a moment, releasing her hold on Jacob.

Flora, Jacob, Queenie and Elsie all found themselves looking down at the frozen Auror lying on the ground.

"You guys should leave," Elsie spoke after a moment, wringing her hands and reaching for her wand.

"We all should," Flora replied, outstretching her hand to Elsie.

"No," Elsie replied, gesturing to the unconscious Auror. "I'll deal with this."

"But-" Flora began to reply before Queenie interrupted her.

"Your friend's right honey," Queenie said, as Flora held Elsie's hand. "Anyone finds this and alarm bells will start ringing."

"Nobody is looking for me," Elsie said with conviction, determined to help Flora. "I'm not involved in whatever mess you all are in, so go."

Elsie's blue eyes pleaded with Flora to leave, while Jacob and Queenie were already hanging around anxiously in the doorway. Flora gave Elsie's hand one last tight squeeze before moving to follow the pair that were waiting for her.

Neither girl said goodbye; their expressions did it for them.

It pained Flora to leave Elsie behind. She felt as though she was abandoning her, after all the lengths Elsie had gone to trying to find her. But, Flora knew it was the right thing to do, as if they didn't leave now, none of them would get out, and Credence would be all alone.




It hadn't taken the trio too long to find Newt and Tina running through the depths of the Woolworth building. The pair had already evaded whatever doom had been awaiting them, and were in the midst of escaping with the help of one of Newt's creatures.

Before anyone had time to explain, Queenie ushered them all into Newt's curious case, and Flora couldn't wait to see what treasures she would find in the wizard's trove.

Unfortunately, the moment Flora descended the wooden staircase, and stood in Newt's cosy workshop, the adrenaline of the escape began to wear off. This gave her brain the breathing space to think about the chaos of the previous twenty-four hours.

The drained witch sank into a nearby chair and closed her eyes, the screeching and cawing of Newt's creatures beyond the door not enticing her anymore; she had enough to process at the moment.

When the three others reached the bottom of the stairs, the room began swinging like a pendulum, indicating Queenie was on the move.

Tina eyed Flora sitting in the chair with caution, as she gripped onto Newt's worktable. The young blonde looked shaken up and Tina couldn't even begin to imagine what had happened to the girl since she went missing from Queenie's bedroom the night before. How had she ended up in Madam Picquery's pentagram office?

Jacob, who had entered last, was now sitting on the bottom step of the stairs, looking quite green. Newt looked at him inquisitively, and Jacob put his hand in the air.

"I need a moment."




The swaying of the room came to an end eventually, and the group were lifted off the floor as the case was settled on the ground with a thud.

Jacob rushed to the top of the stairs the second all movement ceased, with Queenie unlatching the case just as he reached the top.

Tina quickly followed him, not without looking back to check on Flora who was still stationary in the chair, but now had her eyes open.

Before Newt began to climb the steps, he stood for a moment to take in the blonde witch who now had a steely face of determination, replacing the look of despair from before.

"Are you quite alright, Ms Cuthbert?" Newt asked, his hand resting on the rickety handrail of the staircase.

Flora's head began to nod fiercely before she turned to face the concerned young man.

"Peachy," she replied with a straight face, before granting him a weak smile. "I'll be up in a minute."

Newt nodded with a slight smile, and began to ascend the staircase to join the others outside.

Meanwhile, Flora stood up and began to straighten out her dress. She knew what she needed to do now, and nothing was going to stop her.

Flora. {Credence Barebone}Where stories live. Discover now