Chapter Eight.

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Waking up the next morning in the spare bedroom of the Goldsteins' flat and seeing no bunch of flowers by her bedside, Flora realised where she had went wrong. She had arrived back at the Goldstein residence after night fell yesterday, much to the suspicion of Queenie. However, though Tina held her composure, it was obvious that she was still upset, and Queenie didn't ask Flora any questions.

Night hadn't quite fallen by the time Flora had left Mr. Shaw's office, but the market had been closed. She felt incredibly guilty for not having bought flowers, as it meant that she had none to give the boy of the Salemers. She had searched and searched for him, but as soon as the darkness crept in, she knew that she shouldn't be out alone. Though it was her home, New York could be a very dangerous place.

After dragging herself out of the bed, dressing, and trudging out to the kitchen, Flora found Tina and Queenie sitting at the table, eating a delicious-looking breakfast.

"You're up early," Queenie smiled. "Sit down."

With a casual flick of her wand, Queenie prepared another plate of food and transported it over to the table, between her and Tina. Flora cautiously edged towards the table. She felt absolutely terrible butting in on their breakfast, and their lives, and though their hospitality was heartwarming, she knew that she couldn't stay there inevitably. She didn't want to think of what would happen to them if her father found out that they were harbouring her.

Thinking of her father as she sat down at the table, Flora glanced over towards the window, where she knew her father's brownstone was situated down the street. Was he worried about her? Had he even missed her? Flora couldn't deny that a part of her had thought that she would have been returned to her home by now as a result of her father searching for her, and, though it was only a day since she had left, she couldn't help but feel surprised that she hadn't been ordered back.

"How did you sleep?" Queenie asked, awakening Flora from her thoughts. Flora glanced up at the smiling witch, and back over at Tina, who was glumly moving her food in circles on her plate.

"Good, thank you," Flora replied quietly. "And you?" She added.

"Great!" Queenie beamed, but Flora could see the worry in her eyes as she glanced every so often towards her melancholy sister who was still playing with her breakfast. Flora began to feel increasingly awkward, and terribly bad for Tina. Queenie had whispered to her last night when she had arrived back that as a result of risking the exposure of magic, Tina had been demoted from her beloved position of an auror. She was now to work as a mediocre, average MACUSA employee in the Wand Permit Office; just like Queenie. As she watched Tina stare solemnly at her plate, Flora felt completely intrusive.

"I'll be out of you guys' hair today," she began. "I-"

"What?" Queenie exclaimed, and a slice of bread which she had been hovering with her wand dropped and fell right on top of Tina's head, which snapped up as if awakened from a deep sleep.

"I said that-"

"I heard what you said!" Queenie said incredulously, but began to smile. "What I meant was, why would you say it?"

"Well I don't really know you guys too well and I kind of just showed up out of the blue and you welcomed me in and you both have other stuff on your mind and, and... I just don't want to be in your way..." Flora trailed off, not really even sure of what she was saying.

"Flora," Queenie smiled. "You're not in anyone's way, isn't that right Tina?"

Tina looked up wide eyed between Queenie and Flora, obviously startled by being asked a question. It looked as if losing her position had really had an effect on her. She shook her head after prompting from Queenie, and smiled halfheartedly at Flora.

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