Deadpool vs Deathstroke

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RWBY really got their blood pumped from the fight between the two most iconic fighting game characters and are hoping this next one is just as good. As they got their snacks and drinks ready, Ruby lets her teammates know that this will be the last episode before bed and starts the video.

(*Cues Invader - Jim Johnston*)

RWBY is shown the two combatants of this episode and couldn't help but notice they seem very similar from the weapons and skills that they possess to the suit and armor that they wear.

Wiz: They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but sometimes it's nothing but a slap in the face. Such as the case when it comes to these two masked mercenaries.

"Wait, does that mean one of them is based off the other?" Weiss asked

"It would seem so but I would think they aren't entirely the same and I am kind of wondering which one of them came first." Blake said

Boomstick: Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth.

Wiz: And Deathstroke, the Terminator.

"So, Deadpool seems like he's more of a jokster if he is labelled "The Merc with a Mouth", can't wait to see how he acts during his fight." Yang said as she also likes to crack jokes during fights to lighten the mood. "I'm so exited to see the weapons that they bring, I hope they are awesome!" Ruby said with excitement. She already knows that mercenaries are skilled with a wide array of weapons and she can see both Deadpool and Deathstroke are packing major heat.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick.

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle.

The first mercenary combatant is clad in a full red leather like suit that seems skintight but comfortable while allowing him to be able to move freely along with matching red combat boots, black gloves and a mask that is similar to Spiderman's but the area around the eyes are black like that of a raccoon and though where the holes are that Deapool sees through, they are completely white. (Hey! Don't compare my look to the Space Avengers' pet!) (I'm trying to describe you best I can now stay quiet for now will ya?) (Fine, alright continue) (Anyway...) He is seen with his trade mark weapons he carries around on his person.


(*Cues: Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Deadpool Theme (8-bit Instrumental Version)*)

The girls sees Deadpool in all the different types of media he is featured in as well as people dressed up like him at comic conventions

Boomstick: You see him on T-Shirts, Internet memes, and EVERYWHERE you look at nerd conventions.

"No, sorry I actually don't see him on any of these kinds of advertisements." Weiss said without missing a beat

"He must be a bigger deal than Pyrrha if people dress up like him at these nerd conventions." Yang said. "Yang, you and I use to go to these conventions too you know." Ruby told her sister. "Yeah, when I was twelve, now I've grown out of dressing up for that, the last thing I want is some geek in a costume saying some superhero pick up line to me." Yang said

Wiz: But the story behind this popular anti-hero isn't as light hearted as his joking nature would lead you to believe.

"So, he is considered an anti-hero too huh." Blake said. So far this is the seventh combatant that is considered an anti-hero. At least he is not pure evil.

"Hope his story isn't too heart wrenching." Ruby said while her teammates agreed. There has been ALOT of sad origin stories to the point that it's now a common thing. Being a super hero has it's fair share of down sides.

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