"Crystal. It's fine." He looked at me in the eyes through the mirror.

When we got to the place, it was dead. Almost no one was there.

When we got to the counter that had to ice cream, Jake looked up at Ashton.

"I can't see," he said. Ashton reached down and picked him up. He held him on his side and Jake swung his arms around Ashton's neck.

I ordered a small mocha ice cream, and it was frickin good.

While we were eating the ice cream, Jake and I were having random conversations. Saying that I loved talking to Jake would be an understatement.

A couple times during ice cream, I caught Ashton staring at me. I didn't pay much attention to it, but it still made me feel butterflies in my stomach.

When we got back to his house, it was around 6. We walked into the living room, and sat on the couch, with Jake in between Ashton and I.

I got up to use the bathroom, and when I got back, Jake was scrolling through Netflix.

"Did you want to watch a movie with us?" Ashton asked as I was walking back in.

"Yeah sure!" I said and plopped on the couch.

We all quickly decided on "Moana", since Eli wasn't here to try to convince us to watch Ted 2 or something.

Ashton got up to shut off the lights and when he came back. He sat close to me. Jake then sat on the other side of Ashton.

About 40 minutes into the movie, I began to feel tired. I moved in a little closer to Ashton and he put his arm around me.

When he did this, the butterflies in my stomach exploded. Not in a nervous way though, but more in a sensational way... you know?

I then snuggled into his chest a bit. He was so warm. And he smelled really good.

The movie went by quickly, and I took in every second of it. When it got over, it was about 8.

We all got in the car, and Ashton dropped Jake off at a friends house, since he was having a sleepover.

When I got settled in shot gun, I looked over at him.

"Thanks for today," I said. He looked over at me. We were staring at each other in the dark car for a couple seconds before he broke our gaze and turned the key in the ignition.

"No problem," he said and pulled out of the driveway.

I didn't hold back the smile on my face as I looked over at him. He caught my eye.

"What?" He said and laughed.

"It's just, you put up such an intimidating front, and I never would of thought that you would actually be a good brother, but, like, you are," I laughed, and so did he.

"Well good to know my front is working," he smiled as we took a sharp turn.

I could look at his smile all day. Ashton was the cutest person I knew, along with the sexiest person I had ever laid eyes on. That combination was dangerous for me.

Hopelessly DevotedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin