Some Infinities Part One// Jughead Jones

Start from the beginning

"I'll see you next period," I say. He sighs and squeezes my hand.

"Please take it easy today," He says.

"I will," I say, "now you should get going. You are going to be late."

"Alright," He says. I let go of his hand and I join Veronica and Betty in the gym. We walk into the locker room and I pull my clothes from my bag. I pull off my sweater and I look down. My frame smaller than normal. I sigh and pull on the baggy t-shirt and the shorts. My chest burns as I start to cough again. They both look at me. Both worried. I smile at them as I put another cough drop in my mouth.

"Girls," Cheryl says as she walks towards us, "I have Vixens news."

"Okay," Veronica says.

"I'll leave you guys to talk," I say as I shove my stuff in the locker. They nod and I wave. I start to cough again and the burning comes back. "Damn," I say as I take a sip of my water bottle. The water didn't help the burning. "Ugh," I say.

"All right girls outside!" The gym teacher screams. I sigh as the crowd walks out of the gym to the football field. I wait for a moment until I see Betty and Veronica walk out of the locker room towards me. "Ladies move it!"

"Ugh," I say as they reach me, "I really hate him."

"Everyone does," Veronica says.

"Be nice," Betty says. I roll my eyes and we start to walk outside.

"No," Veronica says, "he's an ass."

"I agree with V," I say.

"I know he isn't the nicest but at least pretend to like him," Betty says. I sigh as we reach the track. We sit out water bottles on the edge of the bleachers. A loud whistle grabs our attention.

"Alright everyone line up!" He yells. I groan and walk to the starting numbers. Betty and Veronica stand beside me the gym teacher stands in front of all of us. "Alright run around the whole track 5 times and that is a mile. No stopping. If you stop I'm adding another lap."

"Jesus," I groan. Murmurs fill the crowd and he groans.

"Stop your whining and start running," He yells as he walks off the track. I sigh and start to jog. It's only five laps. It is not that bad. I start to pick up my pace and move towards the front of the crowd with Betty. Veronica slightly behind us. As we get to our second lap I feel my chest burning. It was ten times worse than before. It felt like an actual fire was in my lungs. I start coughing again. Betty looks over at me and I give her a thumbs up. I start to fall back as my chest tightened. The burning sensation soon turned into me not being able to breathe. I kept trying to run through it but soon my vision started going black. And by the third lap, I was leaning over trying to catch my breath. "Y/N THAT'S ANOTHER LAP!" He yells. I keep coughing and wheezing. The pain getting worse and worse. "L/N GET A MOVE ON!" I try to stand up straight only to fall back onto the ground.

"Y/n!" Betty yells as she runs towards me.

"Oh my god Y/n are you okay?!" Veronica asks.

"LODGE, COOPER ANOTHER LAP!" The teacher yells as he walks towards us.

"This is serious she can't breathe!" Betty yells at him. I cover my mouth with the bottom of my shirt to cover my cough.

"Does she have asthma?" He asks. They both shake their heads no and he looks confused. "Help me get her to the nurse Betty." They grab onto my arms and pull me up gently. As I get to my feet I feel my vision start to go black again. I start to fall and Betty grabs me.

"Call her mom and then text Jughead," Betty says to Veronica. She nods and they lead me off the track. We get inside the building and the coughing gets worse. I couldn't breathe and I was starting to panic. I feel the room start to spin as my vision blurs. The sounds around me get fainter and fainter as I slip into unconsciousness.

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