“Hey what’s up you two?”

“Hale we just had the most amazing night with our new little pet…”

“Bastian he isn’t a pet.” Aphros corrected his brother.

“He knows what I mean. So what have you two been up to?” He leans over to whisper in Kai’s ear but we could still hear him.

“Did you get to dance? Hmmm?”

We all looked at him in confusion.  That was honestly the most random question ever. He started laughing so hard as he continued to speak.

“You know? The horizontal mambo?”

Kai’s face flushed a dark red as the rest of us laughed around him. He buried his head in my shirt again trying to hide the fact that he was embarrassed, which made us want to laugh even more. He jabbed me in the side with his elbow which I guess meant that he wanted me to stop but I just couldn’t help it. It was too freaking hilarious.

“Sorry babe…I can’t help it, you’re just…just so adorable when you’re…embarrassed.” I got out between laughs.

We finally stopped laughing at him and Bythos and Aphros told us what happened during the night and trust me they were not scared to tell us everything that happened. I was happy that this guy truly was their soul mate. Over the last hundred years I was starting to get sick and tired of them complaining about not finding him or her. As I was thinking about them Bythos jumped up and sat in Kai’s lap as he stared straight at me.

“Hale! I have the perfect idea. Can we have a barbeque here so that you guys can meet him?” That’s actually a great idea and I’m surprised that it came from Bythos. I look at him questioningly before pushing him off of Kai’s lap. He fell on the floor and that’s when the dramatics began. He started to cry and whine about how I was a horrible person. No one helped him up we simply laughed at him and before you say that we’re a bunch of horrible people he didn’t even fall that far or that hard.

“Bastian that’s actually a really good idea, however if you ever sit on Kai’s lap again I’m going to push off something a lot higher.”

“Adriano…are you just going to let him talk to me like that?”

“What can I say, he is giving us a place to sleep and I don’t want to make our host mad.”

Kai got up and stretched out a hand to help Bythos up. I smiled at him; he was so kind and caring. He was just all around perfect and he was definitely the one for me. Which meant that I couldn’t hide my life from him much longer. I needed to speak to Albion and see if he could think of any way for me to get out of the marriage with Naida. I was falling hard for this guy and I definitely didn’t want to lose him. Tonight when he ran from me it hurt so badly and I never want to feel that again.

“Come on Kai, let’s leave these two down here and get some sleep.”

Kai followed me to my room and I began to strip down so that we could sleep. I took off everything and stood next to the bed in nothing but my red and black silk boxers. I turned around to see Kai standing there in his straight blue boxers and I couldn’t control myself. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the bed where I straddled his waist, looking down into his face.

“Damn you look delicious. I just want to eat you up…” I say as I trail kisses down his chest.

“Hale…” when he moans my name it’s just like music to my ears.

I trail kisses along his jawline, inching closer and closer to his lips. I find his soft lips and I hover above him, tempting him. I’m so close that all he has to do is close the distance and we would be kissing. He opens his eyes and I can see want as he stares up at me.

“Hale?” I lean down closer so that our lips are now lightly touching but I’m still not kissing him.

“Mmmm…Am I turning you on Kai?”

His tongue darts out to lick my bottom lip as he grinds himself against me. I'll take that as a yes. It feels so damn good that I couldn’t resist grinding down against him harder.

“Yes Hale…” As soon as he mumbles it I jump off of his lap and lay next to him.

“Good remember this feeling the next time you want to run away from me.” He rolls onto his side so that he’s facing me. I can see that he’s pouting, I just want to nibble on that little bottom lip but I must resist. When he realized that I was serious he snuggled up against me causing me to wrap my arms around his waist and fell asleep. I kissed his forehead and drifted off to sleep.


Ryan’s POV

He was definitely trying my patience. I left him the note so that he knew that I was mad at but I made sure to leave him the flowers so that he would know that I still loved him. I was happy when I saw him run from that guy’s house, which meant that I had a chance to still be with him but then I waited for a while and saw that he came back with him and that pissed me off even more.

How dare he go back with him after I come all this way to find him? I showed him that I didn’t give up on our love. I followed him all the way to this little backwater town just to get him back. I love him and I know that he still loves me even though we broke up.  I know that we did that only because he wanted to pursue his dream and I gave him his space but this was more than I could handle. He was with another man and I didn’t appreciate that. I would have to fix that and if that meant getting rid of the other guy than that’s what I would do.

Nothing and I do mean nothing is going to stop me from reuniting with Kai. He and I are meant to be together and I am going to make sure that it happens. Once I get everything that I need there will be no way to stop me and Kai will see how much I truly love him and will come running back. Until then I’ll sit and wait for my love.


*GASP* what will happen next? I don’t actually know :D

Comment& Vote as always people…I love you my wonderful readers!!!

 P.S. That's hermes on the side there...isn't he just yum??

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