Stay out of my way, you damn nerd

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"I think this is going to be beneficial for you, young Midoriya" All Might encouraged as he walked along side with the scowling green haired boy.

"How is it going to be beneficial? He is the least cooperative person and he absolutely hates me" The young man complained, his hands inching to be shoved into pockets so they would stop fumbling. But, unfortunately his hero suit came with no pockets (too bad it didn't come with explosion resistance, too)

"I am aware of young Bakugo's attitude, but in real life battle, you will have to form alliance to win against a greater enemy, you should be very well aware of that by now, young man." All Might carried on, his voice solemn, knowing very well about battles like that. "This is your last project in order to graduate UA. But, see it also as a personal goal, you working around someone as unyielding as Bakugo. I expect the best from you, the both of you. You are two of this school's prodigies."

Midoriya regarded All Might's words with silence, brooding as they continued their way towards the front yard. Bakugo was by far one of the most talented students in UA, his quirk and ruthlessness were nothing to sleep on, not to mention his insane combat skills. But, the boy had been tormenting him since he was four years old. Even though, during their studies in UA Kacchan had begun seeing him more of a rival than a pebble on the road to kick aside, he was still unreasonably aggressive with him. Then again, Kacchan always had an explosive personality.

The silhouettes of Aizawa-sama and Kacchan were slowly manifesting as they reached their destination. The more they approached, the more and more unhappy Kacchan looked. His piercing red eyes were glaring straight to Midoriya, as if he wished to explode him into tiny little pieces. Much like him, Kacchan was in full hero suit, grenadier braciers bracing his forearms and his lethal improvised grenades hanging on his belt (not that he needed any of them to blast you to kingdom come).

"Deku" he crudely hissed as Midoriya approached. Even now, at age seventeen, that hateful voice still sent shivers down his spine. But, Midoriya was no longer four. He no longer feared Kacchan.

"Kacchan" he responded, steadily glancing back into the bond's eyes. Kacchan clicked his tongue, irritated.

"Well, let's get this over with" Aizawa started, sighing, his tired eyes turning to the teenaged heroes. "In order to finish your final project, you two need to work together to stop this clique of villains that has been plotting right outside town. They have been forming all sorts of crimes for more than a month. Your job is to destroy their headquarters, capture the leader and bring them back here. You have three days so don't waste time." He impatiently said.

"And in case something goes wrong, we have placed emergency buttons in your bag-packs. If anything happens, press the buttons and help will come." All Might reassuringly added.

" if I will need any help. I will capture this bastard in half a day and drag him all the way here by myself. I don't even need the damn nerd to drag me down" he hissed, side-glancing at Midoriya.

"This is your project, so take it and don't waste anymore of my time, I have other business to attend to, as well" Aizawa remarked before taking off.

"Good luck, young heroes. Do your best" All Might gave the teenagers a long, lingering look before he turned on his heel, following suit after Aizawa-sama.

Midoriya watched his teachers walking away. His head was already birthing likely strategies to take, that was of course if he could ever get Kacchan to cooperate with him...

The boy turned to face the blond and was shocked to find him gone. Exasperated, he frantically turned his head right and left and spotted him already walking towards the school's front gate.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled, running to catch up with him. "Wait up!"

Kacchan gave him another lethal glare once Midoriya reached him. "Tsk, idiot" he mouthed.

They both silently walked out of the school. Midoriya's eyes were pinned on the road before him. The blond was going to be a pain to work with. Kacchan was the sort who hated assistance, he was the lone wolf, he wanted to get everything done by himself. He never wanted to share the spotlight with anyone and he honestly believed that he could do a better job if he didn't have to rely on any 'extras' – as he liked to call his unfortunate partners. But, Midoriya had to try, anyway.

"It's not going to be very hard to find them. Of course, they might be just outside of the city but I suspect they won't be too far off, or else it would be too difficult to organise crimes in the city or call for reinforcements if they get cornered. I have done my research and it seems that they mostly attack the northern part, so I suspect their headquarters are there, which would be very convenient since the woods are there and they can easily hide their whereabouts. Of course there's always the possibility of them being underground, which would make perfect sense taking into consideration that..."

"OI, SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU DAMN BASTARD" Kacchan furiously bellowed, balling his hands into fists and grabbing the front of Midoriya's suit. "You are giving me a damn headache, you damn nerd" his red eyes were like two, fiery red orbs as they glared into Midoriya's green widened ones.

He let go of Midoriya with a push, causing the smaller boy to stagger back a couple of steps.

"I don't need you running your mouth pretending to be all smart. The hell with you, I don't need you. You might not be the quirkless good-for nothing pebble anymore, but you aren't going to overpower me. I am not letting you take the glory so just go fanboy over All Might and let me do the job." He pushed Midoriya hard on the chest and turned to walk away. But Midoriya wouldn't stand for it. He was no longer that little kid Kacchan could push around whenever he felt like it.

He gripped his wrist and pulled him back.

"Oi...what the...?" Kacchan angrily started, but Midoriya was quick. He pulled Kacchan back and then pushed him aside, slamming him hard against the wall; his elbow was shoved into his chest, keeping the hot-tempered boy in place.

"This is our last year's project" Midoriya's face was dead serious, his eyebrows knitted down. "Whether you like it or not, you are working with me, Kacchan. We are doing this together. You are going to be a real hero in less than a year's time, so stop acting like a child."

Kacchan struggled and Midoriya loosened his grip allowing the other boy to escape. Kacchaan looked at him as if he couldn't decide whether to blow him up or blow him up to the moon. He let out an irritated grown, his hand jumped into his spiky ash-blond hair.

"Whatever. Just stay out of my way, you damn nerd" 

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