0.3| Suicide Brige

Start from the beginning

"Not yet." He looked at me with a slight smile. I smiled back at him and both of us slowly started leaning in until the moment was ruined.

A loud feminine scream was heard, a manly one following. Everyone's heads shot behind us along with the camera and flashlights.

"The hell was that?" Sam whispered, trying not to draw attention to us. A few of us muttered a "not sure" or a "I don't know"

I slowly walked in front of everyone, looking back down the trail for anything. Slowly, a man and woman appeared from the woods.

I slowly started backing up, my flashlight directly on them. Soon, everyone started backing up as the two figures started running towards us.

I felt adrenaline start pumping through my body as I turn around, starting to sprint down the path. Everyone in the group was in a full sprint down the path.

Soon, we all stopped running once we noticed they weren't following us. We were by a steep hill, surrounded by trees.

I put my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath when I felt someone behind me. I thought it was one of the boys so I didn't turn around.

I felt someone's hands on my back and I immediately stood up. Forcefully, the hands pushed me and I started rolling down the steep hill.

"Y/N!" Colby screamed as I felt my body hit what felt like every damn rock on the hill. Finally, I slid my body so I could control where I was sliding. I grabbed a rock, stopping myself from falling farther.

"I'm okay!" I yelled back up at them. "Are they still following us?!" I yelled up, pain presented in my voice. I was confused as to who pushed me. All their heads snapped in the direction of where we came from.

"No! Can you get back up?" Sam yelled down at me, shining his flashlight down, looking for a way for me to get back up.

"I think so!" I looked for a way I could get back up. I saw a tree branch within arms reach. I took a deep breath and hoped to god it was sturdy.

Reaching my arm out, I grabbed onto the branch, quickly pulling myself up. I frantically looked for something else to grab onto. I spotted a rock and as I reached to grab it, a snap rang through my ears.

I immediately jumped, grabbing onto the rock, watching the stick fall down.

"OH MY GOD, BE CAREFUL!" I heard Colby scream down at me. I laughed and looked up at him, seeing his worried face. Everyone was giggling and the camera was pointed at me.

"I'm fine, stop bitching." I laughed and gave a thumbs up. I saw a ledge I could walk on all the way back up. I climbed up onto the rock and jumped to the ledge. I walked back up to everyone else.

"Thank god, you're okay!!" Colby ran to me and picked me up. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him.

"Of course! I'm fine Colby. No need to worry!" I smiled as he set me down. He littered my face with small kisses everywhere.

"Hey lovebirds! We aren't making a sex tape! C'mon." Elton yelled at us.


I shivered as Elton set up the Ouija board up.

"Alright so Colby, Sam, Amanda, and Y/N are playing the board. Are you sure you don't wanna play Corey?" Elton turned the camera to Corey who was jumping around.

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