0.3| Suicide Brige

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My phone lit up from my bed. I sigh, looking at through the mirror, knowing it was a text from either Colby or Elton, trying to convince me to go with them to Suicide Bridge.

Joke was on them because I actually wanted to go. I don't mind scary places. I finish up my mascara before plopping on my bed.

From: Colbean💓🐨
Hey babe! Are you coming to Suicide Bridge with us?

I smile and text back quickly.

To: Colbean💓🐨
Yes. When are we leaving?
Read at 8:34pm

I heard footsteps come quickly up the stairs and I knew actually who it was. I stood up, rolling my eyes playfully as I started looking through my clothes.

The door swung open and there stood my adorable, out of breath, boyfriend.

"YOU'RE ACTUALLY COMING WITH US?!" He yelled, still huffing for breath. I nod my head, studying the clothes in front of me.

He ran towards me, picked me up and tackled me on the bed. I giggled as he littered my face with kisses.

"Colbyyyyyyyyy," I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I need to get ready!"

"Sorry, sorry. I'll let you get ready." He pulled away from his little kissing spree all over my face and looked at me.

I smiled and pushed his body off mine. I walked back over to the closet. My eyes scanned through all the clothes.

Suddenly, my eyes land on my grey sweatshirt with my black skinny jeans. I smiled and pulled both out, along with a grey beanie and my white vans.

I quickly change, Colby watching my every move.

"Creep." I laugh and throw a pillow at him. He laughed too and shook his head.

"You're just really beautiful." He smiled, stood up and grabbed my waist.

"Thank you babe." I smiled before leaning up
and connecting our lips.


I watch as the boys pull our sleeping bags and cameras out of the truck. Elton quickly turns on his camera light and points it at us.

"Can you all get in a line for the intro please?" We all stood in a line, I stood next to Colby and Amanda. Elton started the camera and begin the intro.

Blah blah blah, he introduced us all and explained we were staying at Suicide Bridge again. Corey added something about being extremely scared and I laughed.

We all started walking along the path, my hand laced with Colby's. The walk was slient besides the occasional crunch from leaves or sticks underneath us.

Suddenly, the sound of sticks breaking and leaves crunching came from the woods beside us. As if someone was walking towards us from the woods.

We all stopped and looked at the woods. I pointed my flashlight towards the woods were the noise was when we heard a scream from the other side of us.

"What the hell?" Corey whimpered in fear. I let go of Colby and started looking around at where we were.

"It was probably people who saw us and tried scaring us. It's nothing really." I concluded, not seeing anyone. Everyone nodded, agreeing with me.

We all walked along the trail again while Elton pulled the camera back out, telling them what we just heard.

"Pissing your pants yet?" (Only TWD fans would get it) I giggle at Colby. He smiles and shakes his head.

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