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  I entered the the foyer in my happy, regular self. It's been 3 days since Izzie left, and we haven't seen her since. Alex was his own ways, and everyone else just didn't think or talk about it. I held two cups of coffee in my hands.

  "Oooo, whose is that?" Cristina asked. She was holding one cup of coffee. "Mer went home, so I don't have my twisted sister."

  "Hey, I am not going to let you have my second coffee just because you forgot to buy one for Hunt." I walked faster, and finally reached the front desk. I stood at the counter, right beside Jackson Avery.

  "Hey.." He looked at me, which was basically looking down at me, because I was almost a head shorter than him.

  "Hi." I replied, giving him a cup of coffee. "I'm going to assume that you have not had your morning coffee yet, so here." I left the counter.

  "What was that all about?" April asked Avery.

  "We're friends." Avery sighed.

  "Damn right we are." I whispered to myself.

  "Hey, who's service are you on today?" Alex asked me, obviously wanting to trade.

  "Well, good morning, Alex!" I greeted him, continuing on my way to the pediatric wing.

  "Good morning to you too, Kylie, but I'm on Derek's service today, because Derek needs help since Mer's not well yet. I haven't done Neuro in like, ages, so can we please trade? You have peds, right?"

  "Well, I want to do peds because I have never really gone into peds." I reasoned, leaving my friend in the halls. I passed by the rooms of many adorable children, and almost stopped to say hi to a little girl. I finally reached Arizona Robbins.

  "Hello Dr. Robbins, I'm Kylie Shepherd, and I'm on your service this shift.

  "Hi!" Dr. Robbins greeted me with her super pretty smile. So, I've been told that you're super great with kids~!" She started.

  "Oh, yes! Uh, may I asked who said that?" I asked. I was not good with kids, or I thought of myself as such.

  "Bailey, so anyways, it's great that you're so good with kids, because we have incoming trauma, and most of them will be burn victims. There will be many children, because it was a burning hotel that's specially for families with kids.." She continued, walking me back to the back of the building, which was where the trauma wing was. "You can just find me when you need me if we're separated." She told me like she was telling a kid, but I didn't say anything because she was probably so used to speaking to children.

  When we got there, people were already working. "Let's go into trauma room two." Robbins led me into the room. Once I got in, I could hear the kid crying loudly. Oh god... There were nasty second and third degree burns all over his body. "Grey, give him a little bit of comfort." Robbins instructed while she made me rinse the second degree burns all over his left arm. He was crying a lot.

  "Okay, Evan, I'm going to do an Escharotomy. I have to cut into your skin to restore the circulation to your arm, okay?" Dr. Sloan told Even, who was writhing in pain. Lexie wasn't comforting the boy at all, and was crying as well. She probably found this difficult to watch.

  "Grey, please leave the room and come back once you've got yourself altogether, okay?" Robbins whispered, and Lexie nodded, leaving the scene. I didn't want to rinse his wounds while Sloan was doing his Escharotomy.

  "Your name is Evan, right?" I asked the boy.

  "Y-Yeah.." He said in between cries. "I'm Evan Lang...Ahhh!"

Flatline ~ Jackson AveryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ