Anthony-I Like You, Okay?

Start from the beginning

"Sorry." Chance mumbled."I wanted to ask you if-" Chance was cut off.

"Chance!" Anthony whined/warned.

"If," Chance continued, sending a dirty look towards Anthony, "You would like to join our Q&A thing for our new video." Chance asked.

Oh. That's not so bad. "Sure, when are we filming?" You asked, trying not to sound too eager. You really wanted to find out what Anthony was hiding from everyone. Even Chance didn't know.

You saw Anthony tense up and frown from the corner of your eye but Chance smiled. Anthony looked genuinely nervous. "Perfect," Chance said smiling, "Right now, if you're ready?" Chance responded in a question form.

"Sure, let me just grab my gum and chapstick. Where are we filming? Also, who all is in it?" You asked.

"Mine and Anthony's room. And it's just you, me, and Tony." Chance smiled and winked, pulling Anthony out of the room, presumably upstairs. Anthony did not look happy in the least. You almost felt guilty for agreeing to do the video. But curiosity had gotten the best of you once again. 

You stuck a piece of mint gum in your mouth and put on some Candy Cane flavored chapstick (That's my favorite kind of chapstick. What's yours? Tell me in the comments.), slipping the tube into your pocket. You adjusted your clothes, making sure you wouldn't have any clothing malfunctions. Then, you decided last minute to take off your jacket, and walked upstairs before you changed your mind. You weren't the most confident person, but you wanted to look good for the video. You made it upstairs and knocked on the boys' door. You opened the door after hearing Chance yell 'come in'. You walked in, seeing the Chance and Anthony trying to clean for the video, but they were basically just shoving things under the bed and things like that.

"Oh my..." You sighed, "Let me help." You said, gaining Anthony's attention, who had just noticed what you were wearing. His eyes widened and he blushed, quickly looking away from you. You shrugged it off, beginning to help clean. 

Honestly, cleaning was kind of fun for you in a weird way. You loved how things looked when they were organized. You had finished helping the boys clean the whole room in under 10 minutes. Chance kept repeating how shocked he was that you were so good at cleaning and that the room hadn't been this clean since they had moved in. You got kind of annoyed though, because who did he think cleaned the whole house? Magical fairies? No, you. You and Erika. But, mostly you. It's not like you didn't enjoy it, but it would be nice to get some acknowledgment every once in a while. 

Anthony seemed to notice how annoyed you were as you guys were finishing. "Hey, of course Y/N can clean. Who else cleans the house?" Anthony stood up for you.

"Oh... I don't know... I guess I never thought about it..." Chance responded, thinking.

"Of course you haven't, because you only care about yourself. As long as you're not doing the cleaning, and it gets clean, who cares, right?" Anthony responded, looking frustrated. 

"Hey, hey. Thanks, Tony, but it's cool. Let's just film, okay?" You broke in, playing peacemaker once again. Anthony blushed and he and Chance nodded. You all sat down on the bed, you in the middle, Anthony on your right, and Chance on your left. Chance turned on the camera. 

"HEY GUYS!" Chance started the intro. You weren't focused on that, however. You looked over at Anthony while Chance did the intro and explained what we would be doing. You saw Anthony tensed up beside you and just looking forward. You nudged him and he looked down at you. You gave him questioning eyes and he just shook his head and fake-smiled, looking back at the camera.

Chance nudged you. Oh, crap, guess it was your turn to speak. "Hey, everyone! I'm Y/N, and I'm also new to this channel I believe. I'm super excited to be here though! Thanks for having me here losers!" You said, smiling, and nudging the boys on each side of you. 

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