Chapter 3: Leblanc

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A/N: Thanks for sticking with me! Wah this one's kind of a long chapter. The story/ romance is going to pick up a bit from here. Hope you enjoy!

Edit: Oops, it seems I published this by accident before I finished writing and editing. Sorry to the people that saw my unfinished version. Wah, so embarrassing!

Edit: Ooh I just realized, this takes place in August, but reader is at school? I'm sorry, but please ignore that somehow? Otherwise, the story should progress into summer break smoothly.


After that day I have not seen Yusuke, nor heard from him. It's been about 2 weeks already, and I'm hoping it's just because he's been busy lately, and not because he's avoiding me. Ryuji, Ann and Akira talk to me at school, but for the past 2 weeks, they've been slightly more distant. Furthermore, they've been coming to school looking increasingly more tired, and I've even caught Akira sleeping in class once.

Today I decide to confront them about it. To me, it seems like the group has some kind of huge project or task dumped on to them, and it's causing them to lose sleep over it. As their new friend, I have to step in and give them a hand! As I grip the handle bar on the subway, so as to not fall forwards into a sea of people, I ball my free hand into a fist, pumping myself up. If I was going to be their friend, I was going to be a good one.

The walk to school was ordinary and mundane. As usual, I clutched the books that didn't fit in my bag to my chest, and kept looking down.  Walking briskly, I made my way to school, muttering words of encouragement to myself. I actually ran into Yusuke that morning at the station. We were a ways apart, and although he looked tired, he seemed happy to see me, as his eyes brightened slightly. He managed to send me a gentle smile and a short wave of acknowledgement through the crowd of people. With that burst of happiness and energy, I skipped the rest of the way to Shujin, humming lightly in confidence.


That wave of confidence washed over immediately as lunch approached. Ryuji came by to get Ann and Akira as usual. For some reason I wasn't supposed to hang out with them today, since they were going with Makoto to talk about something important. Ann grimaces apologetically, and Ryuji gives me a short nod, seemingly reluctant to go. Akira doesn't even look me in the eye as the three of them turn to leave me. I get anxious and start bobbing in my chair, opening and closing my mouth since I can't quite decide what to say.

"Hey, is (l/n)-san okay?"

I hear whispers start to emanate from my classmates.

"Uh, I don't know. Is that some sort of dance? Does she have to go pee?"

No! That's not it!

"Ugh, just go already! Isn't she already kind of weird or something?"

A few hisses from my venomous peers reach my ears. I puff in frustration, as a knot starts to form in my chest. I can't let them leave now! But what do I say to convince them to let me stay and help? My fingers start to anxiously fidget and tap on the chair that my sweaty palms grip on to so tightly. I can't take it anymore. As I watch their backs leave the classroom, I slam my hands on my desk and yell.

"Ryuji, wait!" I exclaim in desperation.

Shoot, I have nothing else prepared at this point. What do I say now?

I hear the sharp turning of heels, and see a tuff of fluffy blonde hair peek out the door, followed by a familiar face.

"You need something?" His face looks curious as to what I wanted with him, specifically.

Persona 5: Kitagawa Yusuke x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now