I'm so sorry...

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Hey everyone, I'm sorry this isn't a story update but I'm just giving you all an update on my life so you know why I might not update as soon as I originally was going to.
So today my boyfriend and I broke up, I'm taking it really hard, he and I both suffer from depression but he also suffers from Anxiety. He has been super depressed lately and told me that it's best if him and I stay friends until he is in a better emotional and mental state, one where he can handle a relationship.
    I completely respect this decision of his and we are on good terms but I can't lie to you that this didn't make me feel like absolute shit.
  Once again I'm sorry that this isn't a story update and I hate to keep you all waiting on this story, I just have to clear my thoughts out, I promise I'll update soon but I just need a little bit to kind of jumble my thoughts together in regards to my ex.

Thank you so much for understanding and being patient with this book, once I'm not as sad anymore I promise to update more often than what I have been. ❤

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