chapter five [lisspee.]

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[ dude i dont even know if this is edited ]

Chapter five; Lisspee.


I looked straight at Lissie before laughing. I gave her my best psycho stare, cracking my neck dramatically.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dustin and Sara coming over to me. Dustin's face was red with anger, while Sara glared daggers at both Cole and Lissie, which in turn made me laugh more, causing Cameron to look at me.

"You okay, Marni?" he said cautiously.

"Oh just absolutely frocking peachy." I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"seriously, Lissie? You slapped my twin? Do it again and I swear it will not be pretty." Dustin's eyes were murderous. I grinned brightly at my twin, his protectiveness making me warm inside. I knew my brother had my back.

"Come on, Marni. We need to get something on that slap," Sara said while Lisspee looked smug.

I turned around sharply. "Lisspee, if you ever slap me again, I will take you down in two point three seconds flat. And after I take you down, I will makeout with your boyfriend right in front of you," I winked at Cole, gagging in my mind. He smirked back at me.

Lisspee let out a sound that was similar to a dying walrus, which a few seconds later I realized was a laugh.

"Do you really think my honeybunches would ever kiss you? You're fat, ugly, and you smell bad," I lifted my arm up and sniffed, shrugging my shoulders. I didn't smell that bad. She continued after giving me a disgusted look, which I just laughed at. "not to mention your blonde hair is totes fake. You have split ends like a maniac, and you must shop at Losers R Us." Her satisfied scowl let me know she was finished.

Dustin and Sara were livid.

"Take that back. Marni and I just met today, but I can already tell she is an amazing person. She cares so much for her brother, and she has a smile that lights a thousand suns. She can make you laugh with just a look, and she is way less fake than you are. Her hair isn't totes fake, it's all natural, and you can tell because her roots are growing BLONDE. HER HAIR COLOR. So just stop being jealous, because we all know Mar is the most caring, beautiful, hilarious, and down to earth person there is. And if you want to say stuff about her again, say it to me so I can personally laugh at how wrong you are. She's amazing and I can't wait to become bestfriends with her." Sara was out of breath when she finished, and tears were welling up in my eyes. My first day at school and I've already met someone so amazing as Sara.

I walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "Thank you," I whispered. She hugged me back and I dropped my arms.

I turned back to Lisspee. "Don't mess with me, Dustin, or Sara. Ever. Got it? Good." I walked away from her, dragging Dustin and Sara with me.

I pulled them to my car, Sara in the front while Dustin got the back.

"We're getting some lunch, ice cream, and whatever else I want. Maybe we'll go to the mall or something, but I just really need to be far away from this school," I explained. They nodded and we headed off to Taco Bell. Ahh, Taco Bell.

"Yum! Okay, so what does everyone want? And by everyone I mean you Sara, being his twin and all I kind of know." I laughed.

"I want a meal deal number three with a Sierra Mist." She answered.

"Hello and welcome to Taco Bell, would you like to try our new brownie cake?" The boy on the order thingy majig asked.

"Oooh, yes. I'll need three brownie cakes, two meal deal number fours with no sour cream, one Sierra Mist and one Dr. Pepper, and a meal deal number three with a Sierra Mist. Oh, and no sour cream on the meal deal number fours," I finished ordering and the boy told us our total.

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