Chapter 7 Part 2

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"He was the only person to ever tell me I could trust him..." She said shakily.

"I should've known better. No man has ever been there for me, or hasn't harmed me. But I fell for it. I shouldn't have been so stupid..."

"It wasn't your fault." I said. She didn't listen, or care.

"I ran upstairs and into my bedroom. I laid on my bed and bawled. I started to freak out and hyperventilate. I went into the bathroom to try to wash my face. I got so mad and started to.... to cut again."

I was about to say something when I heard Taylor start crying. I've never seen him this upset before, not even close. He was hiding behind the curtain. He came out.. Tears all over his face. Hayden did NOT look happy. Her heart beat on the monitor got faster, and faster.

"Babe, please forgive me." Taylor said. He was completely bawling.

"Don't. Call. Me. Babe." She said so firmly, it was scary.

I left the room. I couldn't handle it. This was all too much, and I wasn't even one of them. I'm glad I wasn't..

It was quiet for a couple minutes, but then Hayden exploded. I couldn't even make out what they were saying. It was just constant screaming and yelling going back and forth. Finally, a doctor came in and asked for Taylor to leave. He was stressing Hayden way too much.



We were finally on our way back home. We spent four days in the hospital. As we pulled up into the driveway, I was greeted by lots of hugs, kisses on the cheek, and gifts. Taylor was no where in sight. Good.

We all got settled in. Everything was back to normal, well, besides Taylor and I. I haven't said a word to him since our fight in the hospital.

[one week later]

I still haven't talked to Taylor. Heck, I haven't even looked at him.

I was about to go take a walk. The doctor recommended that I get plenty of exercise, to help my body start pumping blood again. I ran upstairs to my bedroom to get my favorite pair of tennis shoes. I opened the door. Taylor was sitting on my bed. You've got to be kidding me.....


She stood there in the doorway. She didn't dare to move. I got up. I could see her shaking a little. I slowly moved behind her, shutting and locking the door behind us. She sat on her bed, hugging a pillow. Not saying a word. I sat at her desk. We just stared at each other for what felt like hours. I finally had the courage to speak...

"Hayden. I'm so, so sorry. I seriously can't stress how much I'm sorry. I hurt you. Bad. I don't know what I was thinking. Babe... I mean, Hayden, please forgiv-" I couldn't even finish my sentence. I started bawling. She looked up at me, with a worried expression.

"Don't cry. If you cry, you're gonna make me cry."

"Hayden.. I love you. I love you so much. I don't know what got over me. I love you Hayden.. These past 2 weeks have been a complete nightmare. I love you much."

"It's my fault." She mumbled.

"What... Hayden... There is literally no way that this is your fault. I'm the one that made earned your trust, and then threw it all away."

She was quiet for a minute. She mumbled something.

"What did you say..?" I asked her.

She looked at me right in the eye, "But I was the one who wouldn't kiss you."

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