Chapter 16 - Black Forest

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Exiting the castle and trampling along the hilly path towards Hagrid's hut, Renee wondered why would they be there of all places. But then again, when it comes to the Weasley twins, what may be peculiar to someone was probably a norm to them.

The hut itself was blocking the area that Harry was talking about, so Renee couldn't see if the twins were really there. As soon as she reached the place, what she saw was a mesmerizingly jaw-dropping sight.

There were levitated lanterns that traced the pathway, illuminating the hidden region. Fred was standing at the center with a shy smile on his face, holding a bouquet of roses. George was on the left corner, cheekily grinning while carrying a basket, and Jamila was on the right corner, smirking with a picnic cloth of some sort clutched in her hand.

"Fred-- what is this?" Renee asked in disbelief.

George let out a teasing giggle. "Good grief, Renee, we were beginning to think you'd never come, we're just about to pack up--"

"Hush, George! For Merlin's sake, let them have their moment!" Jamila admonished, making Renee stifle a laugh.

"Renee," Fred began, catching the Slytherin's full attention. "I just want to tell you I'm sorry for what I did. I shouldn't have done it, I shouldn't have rushed you. But I want to let you know that nothing has changed. I still feel strongly for you and I'm going to wait as long as it takes."

That rendered Renee speechless as she had not been expecting such a scenario. There she was, about to tell her best friend that she felt nothing for him, then this. Decision-making was one of her weak points; she did not know what to do. She wanted to vanish, praying to the heavens that they sent a hippogriff in flight to snatch her away from the ground.

"Renee?" Fred said softly after she hadn't said anything. "Will you forgive me?"

"Yes of course, but..." Renee trailed off.

"Did I get you into trouble?" he worriedly asked.

By trouble, do you mean Severus getting upset and treating me like thin air? Then yes. "No," Renee answered. "I, um, I'm really sorry as well, you know, for leaving like that."

"That's quite alright," Fred lit up. "I missed you so much."

Renee was glad that they were no longer on the prospect of who fancies who, at least for now. "I missed you too. And sorry, Will Smith wasn't in the vicinity of our site. I don't think there were even any muggles. I got you this instead," she smiled, getting the Will Smith figurine out of her pocket.

"Why thank you, Renee, this is more than enough. I love it," Fred said. "Oh bollocks, why am I still holding your flowers-- here you go."

"Thanks," Renee laughed and gleefully accepted the bouquet.

"Such smoothness, brother," George taunted. "I hate to break the moment, but it's getting rather late and I heard McGonagall is on patrol tonight."

"Mr. George Weasley is quite right," said a voice that Renee was sure belonged to the deputy headmistress. All four students froze, waiting for the worst possible punishment for sneaking out. "Ten points from both Gryffindor and Slytherin houses. Back to your dormitories now." Professor McGonagall authoritatively commanded, making the four run off quickly.

"What's in the basket?" Renee asked amusedly as she skipped off to the castle, thankful that they weren't given detention and that it wasn't Severus who caught them.

"Just some sandwiches and cakes. We were supposed to have a picnic but you came so late." Fred winked, running clumsily.

"Sorry! I fell asleep," Renee blushed.

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