20: An Interesting Night

Start from the beginning

We walk up to the edge and sit down. Tall grass sparkles the ground beneath us. Side by side, the four of us sit silently, peacefully, watching.

From so high up it's impossible to see the differences between waves. The ocean is one big reflective glass surface, playing with the colours of the sun.

The crisp heat of the day has faded to the most comfortable temperature imaginable.

I put my hands out behind me, leaning back on them as I soak in this moment.

For once since running away, the warmth of home comes back to me. This place feels special, like a childhood memory once forgotten. I can just picture myself on a beach somewhere, being carried away in my fathers arms as the sun sets like this.

The light fades away over the next half hour, changing the sky to a purplish blue.  

Once the stars begin to appear, Charlotte gets up, dusts off her pants and murmurs something to Adam before heading to the car.

"We're leaving now." He says to me, getting up and stretching.

I smile at the sea before leaving.

As I run over to the car, Adam revs the motor impatiently. I swing open my door and hop in.

"Hey, what's the rush?" I ask casually.

"All's packs up fast." Charlotte says.

We speed away, leaving the beautiful cliff side behind us.

When our car reaches the parking lot it really is packed. The place is bustling. Dark clothed people with weird piercings and unusual haircuts walk towards the entrance, laughing and talking.

The vibration of the loud music can be felt from outside. It's generic hum is partially audible.

 In the darkness the fluorescent lights of the building's sign shed flickering neon light.

Adam parks far from the entrance. He and Charlotte get out. Their doors still open, Charlotte leans in the car and says, "Aren't you coming?" to Auron.

He does a glance back at me, then opens his door. Without another word the vampires leave.

I'm left in the car, in the dark. 

Quickly, I climb towards the front and hit the button to lock the doors. I then stare out the front window for a moment, watching the flow of people entering the building.

Strange place, strange people. 

I retreat and curl up on the back seat of the car.  

Alone, uncertain, and unable to get to sleep, I hum a little song to myself, trying hard to picture that sunset again.

My heart skips a beat when something knocks into the car, shaking it hard.

I sit up, staring out the window to try and see what's going on.

I spot a few figures stumbling aimlessly around and take a deep breath of relief. Just drunk people.

Regardless of how assured I am, my heart won't stop beating when I lie back down. I can hear it hammering in my ears and the adrenaline released has wiped all signs of tiredness from my body.

My eyes remain wide open for the next several minutes, staring at the back of the seat in front of me and thinking.

I take a breath of cold air, feeling for the first time a shiver run through my body. The car's getting colder. I'm starting to get goosebumps down my arms.

There is a knock on the back window.

I sit up straight and strain my eyes to see who's standing out there looking in. It's back lit and it's impossible to see their face. I crack the window.

"Hello?" I ask.

"It's me." Auron's voice replies.

I quickly unlock the door and let him in. He slides into the seat beside me, shutting the door softly behind him.

"You came back." I state, almost as a question.

"It's not really my thing." He replies, staring out at the glowing light of the building.

"What are they up to in there?" I ask.

"Nothing you'd benefit from knowing about." Auron replies.


I shiver.

"Cold?" He asks.

"A little." I laugh.

"Well, I assure you I'm cold blooded, but friction always works." He says.

He wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me close to his body. The residual smell of smoke and alcohol radiate from his clothes as my head tucks into his neck. He rubs his hands quickly over my bare arms.

"I thought you'd have left by now." He whispers.

"What do you mean?" I pull away a little.

His hands stop moving but remain wrapped around me.

"Nothing." He breathes.

"I couldn't sleep." I admit, leaning into him.

"That's alright."

"I always feel like I'm missing out on something when I'm asleep." I mutter into his shoulder.

He leans back against the door, into a more relaxed position. I rest my head on his chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breaths.

"I think your sister hates me." I murmur.

He chuckles.

"No, she just likes Adam."  

A roar of laughter rises outside, followed by the sound of cars honking at each other.

My body stiffens, reminded of where we are.

Auron leans in and plants a soft kiss on the top of my head.  

He strokes my back as the noises outside die down.

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