65: The Clash

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The vampires have spent all night and morning preparing for war. Now the sun is high in the sky. Adam is nowhere, Adam is everywhere. Checking the weapons, readying the soldiers, going over the plan of attack. It's highly organized. But not too complicated. After all, the only thing we can be sure of is that our opponent is in the water. Okay, even that isn't an absolute certainty. But unless they have eyes on the inside they won't be expecting us. Today is seemingly no different from any other.

The vampires are set to head off, armed and armoured. It may be the most significant walk they ever take, down a lightly trodden path to the sea. It will be the end to an era of fighting with mermaids. All disputes will be settled today, and in the end all will know who has dominion.

There is a tenseness in the air. An unspoken knowing that this day will be a historic one. The nerves that haunt us all are like those that come before stepping out on stage to give a preformance. Everything will go as planned, as long as you remember your lines and hit all your exes.

"Movement, northeast," someone yells.

All eyes turn to meet the sight of a sickly looking boy, stumbling out of the forest. It's the creature - the one Adam was afraid of. But he doesn't look too threatening now. He looks lifeless and weak.

"Bring me to your leader." He speaks.

Immediately, Adam separates from the crowd. He looks upon the enemy with disdain.

"What do you want with me?" He questions loudly, hiding whatever fear he may have.

"I bring a message from the mermaids," the boy says, "As their leader, I am here to ask for peace."

Laughter erupts among the vampires - the loudest sound I've ever heard them make. A forced, unnatural, and deeply haunting laugh.

Adam scoffs, "We'll have none of it." He shouts in response. "But you can tell your friends who run from fights that we're coming for them - and when we're done they'll look worse than you."

"Not all of your people will fare well in battle, surely you know that. If we can call a truce, no one will have to suffer. Mermaids and vampires can coexist, and we can put this conflict behind us." The boy responds, calmly.

Adam turns to the vampires.

"What do we say?" He asks the crowd.

"No!" and "Never!" are shouted in unison.

"There's your answer." Adam's deep voice speaks, quieter.

"You're sure?" The boy asks. At this point the murmurs from the crowd are overpowering his lowered voice. I can't hear the last thing he says, but Adam does, and responds with a shake of his head.

The boy takes one long look at our group before moving back into the forest.

"I suppose now's as good a time as any." Adam yells, silencing the restless vampires. "Onward, to the sea!" He screams, and leads the way into the woods.

Last night Adam had told me I was not to come, that I would only be a hinderance - the weakest link. But even he knew it would be impossible to keep me away. I wanted to witness the victory, to share the glory enjoyed by the group I would one day join. We has settled on an agreement that I would follow the back of the procession, and once war engaged, hide in the woods with the waiting vampires.

Adam's plan involved several groups, stationed at different locations, some completely hidden from view, so that we would be ready for anything.

We march down towards the ocean, the salt in the air growing thicker as we aproach.

My fingers brush over the edge of the eight inch blade I've been given - the only weapon they have afforded me to defend myself with. Adam doesn't want me to, but I can't resist leaving my place at the back of the crowd and running up ahead. I want to watch the action as it starts. I want to see the first moments of battle. Adam is leading, and I want to see him be a hero.

I catch up to where I can see the front just as we're coming out of the forest. The dirt and pine needles give way to a rocky and sandy terrain, which gradually becomes a pure sand beach that leads up to the vast ocean.

We stop.

Adam's weapon of choice was an ax - not because it would be the most effective but because he belived it would inflict the most pain on his opponent. He rests it over his shoulder and steps forward onto the sand, cockily. Dressed meanicingly in black, he looks feirce.

But the beach is empty. The calm water laps up on the sand with the slightest of soothing noise.

No mermaids to be seen.

What will they do?

Adam steps closer to the ocean. He knows they know we're coming. But what is their plan? To hide?

He crouches by the water and dips his hand into it's cold embrace.

Suddenly, a body hurls towards him, flying out of the depths at speed. They tumble ontop of each other, engaging in punches and blows.

It is only when I pull my eyes away from the action that I realize what's standing in front of us, knee deep in the shallow water - an army of mermaids, row after row, in perfect formation. Spring loaded, energy ready to release.

For the first time I feel less sure of our chances.

I back away into the woods as Adam destroys the first mermaid with a blow from his ax.

The rest of the mermaids jump into action and in an instant full blown war is underway. There's so much going on I can't decide where to look. I can't find Adam. He's lost in the crowd. I take a step backwards into the safety of the trees and find a comfortable trunk to lean against.

Then, something startles me. A hand on my shoulder.

I spin to face Auron.

"What are you doing here?" I ask bluntly.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said. I was jealous. I shouldn't have yelled."

"Adam will kill you if he sees you here." I say, skirting the topic.

Auron smiles a sly smile. "I think he's a little preoccupied." He murmurs. "They, on the other hand, will most certainly kill you and me if we don't get out of here."

"I'm not leaving." I scoff, moving my gaze back to the battle field. "I'm staying with Adam."

Auron takes a long, deep breath and sighs. "What happened while I was gone? I thought we had something."

"We did." I reply solomnly. "I missed you for a long time after you left. But I didn't think I would see you again. So I moved on."  

"So there's nothing I can say to change your mind? Nothing I can to to make you get out of here?" He asks.

"I'm still staying, if that's what you're asking."

"Okay." He says. "The choice is yours. Goobye, Livy."

"Lovely, Lovely Livy." He sings playfully as he walks away.

My eyes move to follow him as he dissapears into the woods.

Why does it feel so final? Like a last goodbye.  

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