The Move

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Taylor's POV

"Mom do we really have to leave?" I protest.

"Yes sweetie but I'm sure you will lo-"

"I'm going surfing, just one more time."

I say as I grab my board and run out the door. As I walk down to the beach I untie my bleach blond hair and wave to some friends, but I don't want to talk. I just want to be alone. As I approach the beach I catch site of a huge wave and start running. I dive into the water my hair streaming behind me.

"I don't want to move," I think as I sit on my board.

Mom said that I could walk to the beach but it won't be the same as Hawaii. Thank goodness summer just started so I won't have to go to school for a while. Mom says it won't be that bad

"Well I guess I'll find out tomorrow," I thought.

Hayes POV

"Hurry up Nash!" I hear my mom call.

Man, my brother is slow. I can't wait to get out of here. I'm excited to move to Carolina Beach, but I'm defiantly not excited about unpacking. I plug in my earphones as I feel the car start to move. I sit in the car half listening to my music and half listening to my parents. I hear my name just as I fall asleep.

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