Chapter 89: Rationality Who?

Start from the beginning

"You kids go alone. I'll be there in a few days, I promise," he had said. "I've called Dawood. He and Anne will be there if you need anything in my absence."

Salma stared out of the window at the clear skyscape, feeling conflicted. She had been mentally debating about confiding in her brother since the previous day. However, every time the opportunity presented itself, Salma lost the courage to do so.

"I hope mum is alright," Asim said out of blue.

Salma sighed, feeling her gut twist with anxiety. Her mother barely called, and when they tried to contact her, they found that her phone had been powered off. Although her mother tried to play it off citing bad service as an excuse, the siblings – and perhaps their father too – suspected her phone has been confiscated. It appeared that she was only allowed to make certain supervised calls, because everyone else in the valley seemed to be able to use cellular service just fine.

She had also extended her vacation – which Salma called a 'prison sentence' – unexpectedly. Her mother was only supposed to spend a week in the valley and then fly back home. The siblings feared she was forced to stay longer. Like her phone, her passport was most probably seized by her conspiring uncle too. Or, the sly old man was demanding something of her and her mother was using delaying tactics to figure a way out of her pinch. However, the two siblings could not figure out what his demands might be.

"I don't understand why Mum and Aunt Farhiya are so terrified of that old aristocrat," Asim continued. "Their social and political position is a lot stronger than him. They should stand their ground at him more often."

Salma turned to her brother.

"Easier said than done," Salma replied, "After their mother was poisoned, it's understandable why they're scared. Especially Aunt Farhiya who happens to live with those devils,"

A young kid with jet black hair passed by, reminding Salma of a certain dark haired boy she had crossed paths with only yesterday.

"Anyway, I had to tell you something," Salma said, making up her mind suddenly.

"Nothing bad, hopefully," Asim joked.

Salma did not smile.

"I met Zayn yesterday," she confided.

Her brother stilled, all traces of humor evaporating from his face.


"At the eatery," Salma said. "When I was getting my ice cream, he was there."

Her brother looked deeply troubled.

"Did he say anything?" Asim frowned, "He didn't bother you, did he?"

Salma sighed.

"No," she replied, quickly telling him how she had dealt with him. Asim stayed silent through her tale, listening attentively.

"I don't know," he said, once Salma asked him if she had done right by mocking indifference. "I think you should've just ignored him."

Salma said nothing as she turned back to the window. She was not sure why but she had a feeling ignoring Zayn would mean she was on the defensive. It could potentially have emboldened him to follow her around. By faking nonchalance, Salma caught him off guard, giving her the opportunity to walk away unharmed.

"Do you think he's stalking you?" Asim asked after a while.

Salma turned to her brother with her eyebrows raised.

"Out of the state?!" she asked in disbelief. "Seriously Asim, I think following me to the gym would have been a little more convenient than catching a plane to follow me into a burger joint in NYC."

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