Part 6 - Growing Emotion

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"Wake up, Liu..." A soft voice said.

Liu's was slowly woken up by a small shrug to the shoulder.

"Hmm..?" Liu groaned, pulling himself up, seeing Mercy on the side of his bed.

Liu looked up at her, still blinded from drowsiness. Mercy keeled down to make face level with Liu.

"How are you feeling today, Liu?" Mercy asked.

"Well, better than the day before I guess." Liu replied.

"That's a good thing, that means you're getting better, I suspect you'll be fully functional again in a week, I bet you could even start walking now." Mercy said.

Liu smiled. "You see, I would, but I think I want to take another lazy day before I walk again, so I'll just lay here." Liu teased.

"That's alright Liu, I volunteered to take care of you until you felt better." Mercy said.

Liu seemed a bit spoiled. "You didn't have to do that, the hospital could have just done it, and you could be spending your time relaxing."

"But, I want to spend my time with you." Mercy replied.

Liu was silent. "I-I see..."

Mercy was silent as well. "Anyway... You have a visitor, my old captain who wanted to meet you. Her name is Ana Amari."

Liu has never heard that name before. "Oh, I mean sure, send her in."

Mercy nodded her head, backing up and opening the door.

"Hes ready for you now, Ana..." Mercy said.

An older lady walked it, looking at Liu, she instantly smiled, walking up to him, she sat down on a chair.

"Hello, Mr. Dawson." Ana said.

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Amari." Liu replied.

"Yes, I heard you are a new soldier in the fight..?" Ana asked.

"Yes ma'am, just trying to keep people alive out there." Liu said.

"I've also heard you've been doing a good job of it." Ana says.

"Liu smiled, I only learn from the experts." Liu glanced at Mercy, smiled.

Mercy put a hand on her cheek, blushing, looking embarrassed.

"Well Liu, I'd like to tell you a story about 2 of my former teammates, Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes."

Liu was silent. "Jack Morrison..? Soldier: 76?"

Ana was shocked. "You know him..?" She asked.

Liu nodded his head. "He is on our team..." Liu seemed a bit confused.

"Well then I believe I don't need to tell you the story, you must already know about the two." Ana says.

"Well..." Liu paused. "I've never heard about this "Gabriel Reyes" person..." Liu said.

Mercy seemed fed up with just mention. "That's enough of that subject, Ana..."

Ana turned, she didn't seem offended at all. "Oh Angela, you need to let it go."

Liu seemed even more confused. "What are we talking about?"

Ana turned to Liu. "Nothing dear, just some history with Angela and Reyes here..."

"Its best that I get going then, Liu; it was a nice talk while it last, I'll see you around..." Ana left.

"W-Wait, what about the story..?" Liu yelled, coughing after from hurting is voice.

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