Twenty Years Later

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"Zanie, Zanie, ZANIE!" Lily said.

"Huh? What Lily?" Zanie said to her friend Lily.

"You were daydreaming again, and I'm guessing that it's about the same thing." replied Violet one of Zanie's other friends.

"Oh, yeah. But imagine it. Being able to live in the castle would be a dream come true. It would mean a better life." exclaimed Zanie.

"Ha! You in the castle?"

"What do you want Meadow?" said Blue Bell in an annoyed voice. Blue Bell is Zanie's third friend.

"The ONLY way you could live there was if you were part of the royal family. But I think we would be better princesses than you four." said Meadow's sister Primrose.

"Oh yay, Primrose is here too." Lily said sarcastically.

"Don't you dare talk to us like that! We are the Lord's daughters, you should respect us." yelled Meadow.

"Oh shut up." Violet said to Meadow and Primrose.

"We will shut up when the lost princess returns. Which will NEVER HAPPEN." Meadow exclaimed in a snappy tone.

"You never know. She might turn up. It's been twenty years since she was kidnapped." Zanie said looking towards the castle that sat on the hill over looking Crystal Hill Village, the village that Zanie lives in as a village girl.

"I doubt she will return. She was two so I bet she doesn't even remember." Blue Bell told Zanie.

" I know, but what if she remembers?" Zanie asked them before she headed home.

"What if?"

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