Dream or not?

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"Stop Morgan, let them go. You're just using them to get to me. Let them go and take me. I know you hate me that's why you got rid of me, but think of what you're doing to your mother, our mother." Zanie exclaims.

"She isn't your mother! Whisp is, just accept that already Zanie!" Morgan yells.

"I can't. Yes, I love Whisp as a mother, but knowing that the Queen, my mother, misses me. I need to return." Zanie says with an edge in her voice.

"YOU ARE RUINING EVERYTHING!" screams Morgan. She lets go of Zanie's friends and runs at her with her sword out. Zanie sighs and lifts up her hand. By doing this, a force field appears in front of Zanie.

"YOU WILL PAY!" Morgan screams. "JUST FIGHT ME!"

"Zanie! Zanie! Wake up Zanie!" yells Lily

"GAH!" Zanie wakes up and screams. "Where am I?"

"Silly girl. You fell asleep while watching the sunrise." explains Blue Bell.

"Oh, well then. I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I was the lost princess and that Morgan was trying to get rid of me." Zanie says with a confused look in her eyes.

"Well, you have been talking about the lost princess a lot lately, but now that I think about it... you could be the princess because come on who else has raven hair and icy blue eyes?" says Violet.

"Ha. I doubt that I could be the princess, but also the dream felt all to real. Almost as if it were to happen in the near future." Zanie exclaims. "But for now let us go and get some food. I'm starving!"

While they started walking to the village, Zanie felt something weird. It almost felt like a spark inside of her. She ignored it but she knew it would lead to something else, but for now she wanted to keep it on the down low.

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