Chapter Six

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Tonight was the day of the ball. My mother was screaming at every maid, every cook, to clean every crevice the castle has, and to cook so perfectly that there would not be a single bad review from any participants.

In just a few minutes, i'd be spending four hours doing my hair and makeup. I will do this every month until I find my beloved. This repetitive cycle of wearing ball gowns, masks, makeup, heels, and eating heavily due to the anxiety that these large parties give me.

My mother looks at me, catching her breath for a moment. "London! It's time, go get ready." She tells me. I walk up to my room, where it was being tidied by four maids who worked quietly and quickly, and three other people.

"Your Majesty. It's been a few years." A familiar face says. I smile widely, realizing that the three people have been styling me for the past 500 years. We exchange greetings and get started quickly. I sit down in a stool, while they start immediately. My dress was hung up on the wall, and my heels under them.

For the next few hours the four of us chatted up a storm and caught up with each other. "Almost finished, just a few more touches.." One of them says happily, bringing over my dress and black lace elbow-length gloves and helping me into it. I put on my heels and look at myself in the mirror. "As always, you've outdone yourselves. Thank you." I smile and gently hug each of them.

The three look at me, proud of what they've done. "You look absolutely stunning, princess." The two girls curtsy, and the man bows. "Thank you for this amazing look. I absolutely adore the colors you included in my eye makeup." I smile at them.

Tyler, my brother, comes into my room while the stylists clean up and leave. "Londo- err.. your majesty, you wanna make a late entrance with me?" He stutters and then smiles. I grin. "Well obviously. This is just gonna be like every other monthly thing."

After waiting about half an hour, smiling, goofing around with each other, we finally make an entrance. "Hook me." I laugh gently, hooking arms with my brother. We take small steps, and the begin going down the stairs. I kept my posture, gently letting my hand slide down the railing as we go down.

People stared up at us, but of course not the mated ones. We get to the floor and Tyler says bye to go hang out with his friends. Immediately , i'm overwhelmed when some of my best friends come up to me. They flood my mind with compliments, keeping me confident as the night went on. We talked for a while, then I start to wander a little bit.

As I wander, I spot two very familiar faces. "Hello, boys." I smile at them. It was Zach and Jordan, who seemed to be eyeing women. I reach in between them to grab a glass of punch off of a waiters plate. "So, are you guys brothers or friends?" I ask them.

"We're twins. Well, triplets." Zack stutters a bit. I roll my eyes. "You act like I'm gonna rip your head off. If you piss me off I will, but I'm not in the mood right now. Plus, I think vampires and werewolves should be friends." I say and sip on the punch.

Me saying that relaxes them both quite a bit, but still keeps them alert of me. Even though vampires and werewolves hate eachother, some people can actually become friends with the other. The three of us were talking up a storm. People looked at us as if we were crazy, vampires and werewolves talking to eachother. Like friends.

"So, is anyone else from your pack here?" I ask them. "Yeah, almost every teen is." Zach says. "Interesting," I say, looking around.

"Anyways, enjoy your night. Im gonna go talk with other people, see you soon." I smile at them and walk away to talk to family members.

I ended up across the ballroom, talking to my favorite cousin, Cody. A spoon is hit against a wine glass, and I instantly know it was my mother. Numerous heads, giant and tiny, turn to look at the stage.

"Hello everybody. Tonight is the night that some of you with find your mates. I see we've all been hiding our scents," She says, scanning the crowd. My mother gives a mini speech, and at the end, tells us to let our scents free. Her voice booms over the quiet crowd.

I do as she says, and grimace. "Oh my god, too many things to smell..." I say, holding my nose jokingly. As if I haven't smelled this a hundred times. It was a mix of too much axe and perfume, and nasty ogres. A little bit of some other things. Cody laughs. "Yes, it's a very bad smell." Cody is like me. Obviously a vampire, but he has tattoos and piercings. We both kept it to a place where only ourselves and very few others could see it. To my knowledge, we were the only royal vampires that had tattoos and piercings. We're also the only ones who people don't approve of at first sight because of our appearances, despite our natural good looks.

I consider him as my brother, and he considers me his sister. Cody's eyes go blood red after breathing in hard. He found his beloved. I smile at him. "Good luck." I say, as he nods at me and walks toward the scent. I sit down at a table, resting my head in the palm of my hands. I don't think I'll find my beloved today. That's not very surprising, considering it's my birthday and you don't usually find your mate directly on your birthday.

A girl comes over and sits with me. "You havin' trouble finding your beloved?" She asks me. I nod and stir my drink with my straw. "Yeah, me too. Do you think I'll find him?" She asks me. I look up to see her face.

God, she was beautiful. "I think you'll find your beloved today. Any man would be grateful to have you and I don't even know you, I can just sense it." I smile. She's a blonde, but more of a calm blonde. Beautiful green eyes, didn't look like much of a vampire to me.

"You're not a vampire.. why are you talking to me? I thought we were supposed to hate each other." I say to her and let out a soft chuckle. "I saw you talking to my brothers. I'm the triplet. He hasn't found his mate yet either, you know?" She says.

"Damn. That's unfortunate. Well, do you wanna walk around and just talk then?" I ask her. She nods and we stand up. We walk out of the ballroom and just tour the castle. We just clicked immediately. Somehow, we end up in my bedroom. I sit on my bed, and pull out two controllers. "Video games?" I ask her.

"Hell yeah!" She says, sitting next to me. I turn on the console and we starts playing Battlefield. After the hour that I'd played that game with her, my mother barges into the room.

"LONDON ADAMS!" She yells, making me and Olivia, I learned was her name, jump.

"Yes, mother?" I ask her. "We've been waiting for you for half an hour! Get out there!" She sounds loudly, infuriated but now flustered because she didn't expect Olivia to be there.

"Okay I will, I apologize." I say to her. She huffs at me and walks back to the ballroom. Me and Olivia make our way to the ballroom quickly. "Wow, your mom is scary." She says softly.

"Eh, it's okay. It's true. Only when she's angry." I say, as we walk into the ballroom. There were quite a few people kissing and touching provocatively, so me and Olivia go to the drinks bar. "I don't know what my mom needed me for, anyways. Nothing special happens until the end." I say.

Olivia's eyes go a more bright, emerald green. She found her mate. "Oh come on, this is unfair." I pout. "Goodluck.." I smile to her, but she's already gone.

What I learned from Olivia is that she actually has three brothers. Zach, Jordan, and then an older one by a few years, Aidan. She didn't say much about him, but sure told me a bunch about her, Zach, and Jordan's childhoods.

Aidan was also soon to be alpha. Olivia says she doesn't know why all three of them only got werewolf genes, because apparently their parents are one vampire and one werewolf. You can imagine my surprise when I heard that.

I wanted to see for myself if Aidan was here. Olivia said he was, but I could just not find him. I searched everywhere for him, but not being able to find him, I give up. Naturally, I went up to the balcony that was connected to my room. And can you guess who I found there?


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