Chapter 3

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The rest of the day passed by quick, and before I knew it Cason and I were walking to our lockers after final period ended.

Two guys from the football team were crowded around our lockers, waiting for Cason.

"Hey man," One of them, Derek, said.

"Hey, you two going to Tiffany's party later?" He asked them, his voice dropping a little lower. He did that when he talked to other guys, it seemed like every other guy did.

"Yeah, you?" The other one, Ben, asked.

"Yeah," He told them.

"Cool. See you there," Derek said, and Cason did a weird chest bump thing with the two of them as they walked away from us.

The second they were out of earshot, I burst out laughing.

"The conversations football players have with each other are just amazingly-" I started.

"Awesome," Cason said, cutting me off.

"No, boring. I mean basically all you said was "yeah" and "you", it cant get even more boring than that," I told him.

"At least I dont have conversations with other guys about who broke up with who," He said.

"So your telling me that guys never talk about how some guy got dumped and how his hot ex-girlfriend is available?" I said, knowing that's exactly what they did in their free time.

"Well that's not fair," He said.

"You just admitted defeat," I told him with a smile. One of the things Cason can never do is admit defeat.

"No I didn't. Im just leaving this for later when I find a better way to back up my claim," He said with a smirk.

"Whatever," I smiled. He made no sense sometimes.

"Well lets get going," He said, and we turned to walk out the door.

Some girls said hi to me on the way out, others giving me death stares. I was Cason's best friend, not his girlfriend. I dont see why anyone would think I'd be a threat to them. Although, most of them were girls that were fairly new to this school. The ones that had been going to school with Cason and I since grade school knew that we have always been like this and never glared.

I guess Cason noticed the girls glares because he then slung his arm over my shoulder. I looked up at him, and he had a smirk on his face. I couldn't help but laugh, and looking at the girls made me laugh even more. They were gawking, baffled even, at his move.

We walked out the door and onto the sidewalk, and Cason was the first one to talk.

"God, those girls are crazy," He said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, but I guess I'm use to it now," I chuckled.

"Well, if them or anyone ever try to touch you or do anything, just tell me. Got it?" He said, making me smile.

"Yeah of course," I told him.

"Im serious, Em," He said, looking at me strongly.

"I know, me too," I told him reassuringly. He took a deep breath as we arrived at our houses.

"Meet me outside at seven?" He asked me.

"Sure," I told him.

I walked down the path and into my house, stopping at my mom. She was suspiciously standing next to the window with the curtain in her hand.

"You and Cason, Emily. You really are something," She said with a smile.

"Ew mom. He's my best friend, nothing romantic," I told her.

"Okay," She sang in a voice which meant she thought she was right.

I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom. I decided to take a shower, feeling like I needed one to freshen up before the party.

After I got out of the shower, I looked through my closet for something to wear. I grabbed a cute dress that sat in the back of my closet, still new with tags on it. I looked for some shoes and found some tan flats that matched the dress nicely. 

When I walked to the mirror, I realized my was still limp and wet, clinging to the sides of my head. I decided to do my hair in a side braid, making it slightly messy and added a little volume at the top.

By the time I put everything on and finished, it was 6:55. I walked downstairs, passing my mom and dad, who were talking in the kitchen.

"Party tonight?" My dad asked. My parents knew that I was the safe one, the one who didn't drink, so they let me go whenever. 

"Yup! At Tiffany's," I told him. He nodded in understanding, and I think he remembered Tiffany from previous years of her being a good friend of mine.

I started to walk out the door when my mom called out. "Be home by 12!" She told me.

"Okay! Love you!" I said, opening the door. The cool wind hit my face, goosbumps forming along my arm. I looked around for Cason and realized that another family was moving into the house next to mine again.

"Jakes house," I thought.

"Emily!" Cason shouted from behind me.

I turned around and saw him waiting by his dad's car. "Your dad let you take the car?" I asked him.

"Yeah, turns out he finally trusts me with it again," He said, and I smiled thinking about the time we had driven into a stop sign.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah," I told him. I walked down the stone pathway that led from my front door to the sidewalk, and walked up to Cason.

Once Cason got a better view of me, he had to look me over twice.

"Crap, Emily," He said, running a hand through his hair."You look amazing,"

"Why the crap?" I asked him.

"Because your going to be the hottest girl there," Cason told me, making me blush. "You better stay safe," He warned after.

The warning broke the little moment. "Yeah, yeah," I told him and got into the passenger seat of the white lexus. My body instantly warmed from the heat of the car, and I relaxed in the seat. Cason hopped in and we drove down the road towards Tiffany's house.

"Do you have anyone in mind for tonight?" I asked him, wiggling my eyebrows at him. Every party, he always has one girl he wants to 'woo'.

"Not sure yet," He said.

I jokingly gasped. "Well I guess there is a first time for everything," I laughed.

"I guess so," Cason chuckled. "But have no fear, I will find someone."

We arrived at the party, and cars were already lined all over the sides of the street. Tiffany's house was huge and on the outskirts of town, so there werent many neighbors. The perfect party location.

Cason and I got out of the car and I looked ahead. I think this was going to be the biggest party of my life.


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