Chapter 1

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Cason Rydell moved in 10 years ago, when I was six. Jake Elding moved in that same year. We were all placed in the same first grade class, and all became best friends. It was fun, our houses were all in a row, mine in between theirs. We were inseparable, always at one of our houses.

In the sixth grade Jake moved away to Ohio, leaving Cason and I to go through middle school without our third musketeer. Cason and I became even closer, leading to today...


Cason walked out of his house, his brown hair lying right above his eyebrows. He had a smile on his face, one that would become contagious to everyone at our school. His eyes glistened with their usual mischievousness , and he looked at me as I was waiting to walk to school.

"You take forever, I've already been waiting out here for five whole minutes," I told him with a smile.

"I think you can survive," Cason laughed as he adjusted his backpack on his shoulder.

We turned to walk down the sidewalk. The rain last night made everything wet, leaving the air with the smell of...spring. When I breathed in, though, I started coughing.

"Cason,," I told him between coughs.

"It smells good though, right? I swear this stuffs like a chick magnet," He asked, taking a whiff of himself.

"We'll its not going to do you any good if they suffocate first," I laughed.

"Your just jealous you can't get any of this," He gestured to his body and did a little shimmy.

"I think I'll pass. I've known you since I was six, Cason. I'll never be able to look at you without imagining you in your Spider-Man underwear."

"I still have those, you know," He said.

"We'll I just hope you don't still wear them," I laughed.

He smirked at me, "Actually I-"

"I don't want to know," I quickly told him, putting up my hand for emphasis.

Cason laughed at that, and his arm went around my shoulder. "Some girls would really kill to hear that story," He told me.

"Eh, not all," I shrugged, smiling underneath. Every time I do something like that, his cockiness gets tested. I bet its the only thing that keeps him from becoming like those other jocks.

"And were here," Cason said, gesturing to the school in front of us.

"Oh yay," I said flatly, making Cason let out a laugh.

"Come on, it's not that bad," He told me.

"You can't speak until you have lived through Mr. Lee's class," Mr. Lee was the worst teacher in the entire school. Better yet, he hates me. He talks about chemistry in a monotone voice, and if I doze off for even a second, detention.

"True, but I do have Mrs. Lee," He said.

"Mrs. Lee is probably the nicest teacher in this whole school, what could possibly make her worse than Mr. Lee?" I asked. I still to this day can not figure out how she managed to marry a guy like Mr. Lee, they're complete polar opposites. They do look awfully cute when they're together, though.

"Are you kidding me? Mrs. Lee is obsessed with me," Cason said, before something clicked and his smile grew. "Hey that rhymed, you owe me a dime," he smirked at me.

I sighed but couldn't help smiling that after almost six years of doing that tradition, he still remembered. I looked through my backpack and gave him a dime.

"Yes! I'm rich!" He said, doing a weird dance move.

"Cason, stop doing that," I laughed.

"What, the ladies like it," he said, wiggling his eyebrows, which made me laugh even harder. No matter what Cason did, the girls just swooned and the guys got jealous.

"Come on, lets get to class," I said with a smile, and he finally stopped his performance.



So I thought I'd write a new book, and I really like this first chapter so far:)

Could you all vote, comment, and add this to your library? I would appreciate it so so so so much:)


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