A loud thump in your living room, stirs you in your sleep. The sound of glass breaking, wakes you up. The sound of a gunshot jolts you out of bed. There was an intruder, you knew it. Slowly opening your drawer, you pull out your pistol. Checking for people, you slowly walk out of your room and into the hallway. As you walk down the stairs, you hear the sound of shuffling. You peer over the corner and see a tall man. He wore all black and had no hair on his head, or at least the back of his head. Which is all you saw.
"You'll make sure not to upset the boss again." One of them say. The one limping on the floor nods his head. You watch quietly, trying to understand what was going on. As the tall one points the gun at the limping one, your eyes lock, sending a chill down your bones. You quickly hide behind the wall, trying not to be seen. "Who's there?" a voice calls, "Is there another one?" you hear the sound of loud shoes hitting the ground. You could only guess it was the tall one, considering the stride of his steps were normal. Calculating how far you were from the nearest exit, you realize you had to do what you used to do. So you did the only thing you knew how to do well; without looking, you shoot randomly, and run to the nearest window and jump.

"So, you're gonna stay with me now?" Tabitha asks
"Sure." you say thinking, "Or I could stay with Gordon."
"You're staying with me." She says as she leaves the room, "I'm making some cocoa. You want some?"
"Yea." you say as you sit there, recent events playing in your mind, "Where's the phone this time?"
"In the garden." you shake your head. Tabitha had a habit of carrying the phone around in every conversation, so it had never stayed in the same place. You get up and walk to the garden and call your boss,
"Hello?" a voice asks, you stare into the phone, trying to identify this voice, "HELLO?" You blink rapidly, the voice having pulled you out of your thoughts,
"Sorry, hectic night."
".... I'm sorry, who is this?"
"This is Y/n. Where's Mayor Cobblepot?"
"In a meeting, why?"
"I was just calling to let him know I won't be going to work for about a week."
"Okay. I'll let him know."
"Kay. Thanks." You almost hang up when you hear him call your name, "Yes?"
"Y/n I was wondering if" he says as then pauses, "Did you want to go out for dinner?"
"I'm sorry, but who is this?"
"Oh silly me. I'm N-" his sentence is cut short by the shouting of your name,
"I'm sorry, but I gotta go." you hang up, never getting his name. Walking into the living room, you smile, having noticed Barbara, "Well... This outta be fun." You sit down on the couch and grab a glass of wine.


"So Y/n." He says smiling,
"What?" you ask smiling also.
"I know you hate it, but just think about it. We could be together."
"You already know how I feel about that."
"Yeah, but you're just so good."
"But i'm not a good person."
"That means nothing. All the best people are crazy."
"Who said I was crazy?"
"The way you were last night."
"Wow. Playing that card are we?"
"I'm just saying. We'd be the best. No one could stop us."
"Except for the fact that most people don't like me."
"Screw most people."
"No thank-you. I'm not that kind of girl." You say, almost laughing. He looks at you, and smiles,
"Fine. But as your best friend, I am asking you to do it for me." he says making a heart with his hands. You push him off the couch.
"Fine." he looks at you, eyes wide with shock,
"Yes." you say rolling your eyes at him. He smiles largely,
"I'll go down to the station-"
"So help me Gordon. If anything happens..." you say grabbing his arm, letting him know.
"It'll be fine. You'll make a great addition. Detective Y/n, it has a nice ring to it." He says as he puts on his shoes and opens the door, "Oh and thanks for last night. The amusement park was a blast."
"Glad you liked it. Because I'm banned from it."
"Not surprised. Ms. "I'm a rage gamer". So much rage." He says emphasizing, i'm a rage gamer. You roll your eyes yet again,
"Bye Gordon."
"Bye Y/n." he says as he leaves. You sigh. Now you were a detective. Great...

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