{VI} Mermaid Mate.

Start from the beginning

Vanessa reached over and took one of her hands, pulling her away from Raphael, ''You will be there?''

She glared at me, ''Queen Severina orders, just in case you might screw something up and risk us being exposed.''

''That wouldn't happen.'' she said confidently. ''And don't touch him again.''

''You should watch yourself, fledgling.'' she said.

Vanessa balled her hands into fist and the clouds turned gray, a lightning strikes across the sky, ''No, you should watch yourself.'' Vanessa said as she stepped towards the Amazon looking women. Raphael grabbed her hand, trying to pull her back, but something about another mermaid made her angry, a human girl made her jealous, a mermaid enraged her and something in her made her this confident to be protective for Raphael, ''Don't forget who's the special one.''

''Enough.'' Adalyn said as she came over. ''Causing a scene and Vanessa, calm down.'' she said as she placed a hand on Vanessa shoulder. ''Zirina, Alma, you have to leave Raphael alone. He is Vanessa mate, you can't have him.''

Vanessa loosened her hands as she grinned at Zirina who gave Vanessa a cold look and the sun came back out, ''Mine.'' Vanessa said and Zirina breathed out heavily from her nose.

''Fine then.'' she said as she stepped back. ''Alma, everything seems okay with him. We should go.''


''Wow.'' Vanessa said as she looked around Raphael family room. It had been redesigning and now that it was finished, she was so jealous of Raphael family wealth. ''Look at that TV, it's huge,'' she said as she walked over to the very large TV hanging on the wall.

Raphael walked over and pressed a bottom and the TV came on brightly she had to squint a little, making them chuckle since the room was dim a little. She stepped back and looked up at the mirrors on the ceiling as she twirled around a little.

She looked across the room and chuckled, ''Your dad actually put a pool table in here.'' she said. ''And a bar.''

''My uncles and their families come over allot.'' he said next to her. ''Wanna play?"

''Pool?'' she asked, chuckling. ''No thanks, I wouldn't even know what to do.''

Raphael turned to her and put his hands on her waist, turning her to him. She shyly smiled as he leaned down and kissed her. Butterflies filled her belly as his arms went around her waist and she tilt her head back. She kissed him for a few moments before the noise of her dad voice filled her ears warning her about being alone with a guy.

She broke the kiss and stepped back, quickly going over to the wrack of DVDs, ''So what movies do you have?"

''I thought Insidious we could watch.'' he said as he grabbed the DVD.

''Or,'' she said as she picked up a movie. ''The Lucky One.''

''Eh, Insidious sounds better.'' he said.

She pouted, ''I don't like horror movies.''

''This is hardly scary.'' he said, chuckling. 'And you can cover your eyes in my shoulder.'' he grinned.

''It is too scary, the trailer looked scary enough.'' she said, not wanting to see the movie. She wrapped her arms around his, ''Please Raphael, we can see that after. I want to see Sac Efron.''

''Oh, is he yours to?" he asked teasingly and she glared at him, hitting his arm.

''Shut up!" she said. ''I was saving you from them.''

''Hey, it’s okay.'' he said, shrugging. ''I liked it, it was cool. So adorable when you're jealous.'' he said as he pinched her cheek.

''I wasn't jealous!" she said in denial. She crossed her arms over her chest, ''Even, you are mine. I gave you your tail, so I am your queen technically.''

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