Chapter 1: The Sword Fight

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Chapter 1

Music Choice: Renegade - DANK

Dani, a young Angel, about five and a half feet tall, walked into the wooded area of Battle Ground, New York where Angels train. Angels name places on Earth differently than Humans do. Battle Ground is what Angels call the area, but Humans call the area the Adirondack region. Dani was with her mentor, Drew, as she was preparing herself for her next fight. She was wearing loose, light blue jeans, with a thick black tank top, and her belt was looped around the waist of her jeans. Dani's medium brown hair was lazily tied back in a ponytail. Her bronze metal shield strapped onto her left wrist, tight enough to leave a mark, and her ten pound silver sword held tightly in her right hand. Dani and Drew could see the clearing and the empty dirt circle in the center. Dani was sure of two things.

I am fighting today.

I am going to win.

The fighters must enter the circle backs first, so they cannot see their counterparts until the two opponents fight. It could cause a distraction or uncertainty.

Dani took two steps into the circle, smiling at her audience of twenty or so Angels. She could hear the crunching of dry leaves as her opponent took two steps into the circle.

She suddenly heard multiple gasps from the audience. There was something wrong. Wrong with Dani's opponent. What the hell is going on?

"Turn to face." Drew called.

Dani spun on her left heel and looked up into the eyes of her opponent. Crap, Dani thought, as she looked her opponent over.

Her opponent was at least six feet tall, and had the darkest eyes, appearing almost completely black. Dani's opponent's jet-black hair fell to the tips of his ears and was cut unevenly. His hair covered his eyebrows, leaving his eyes somewhat visible.

Dani's opponent was a guy. He had a scar on his forearm, that seemed to have come from a switchblade, and he was holding his sword with sudden uncertainty. As if he didn't want to fight her anymore. What's wrong, afraid to get your ass kicked by a girl?

This was Dani's first time actually fighting with a guy. Hell, it was the first time any girl fought physically with a guy in the Angelic world. Dani had sparred with guys before, like Drew, but she never had to really fight another male. He wasn't thick; he actually seemed quite slim, agile. He was wearing loose dark blue jeans so he could easily move and a plain white t-shirt. She could tell by the expression on his face and overall body language, he wasn't made aware he would be fighting a girl, just like she was uninformed to her rival being a guy.

"Come on Ash! She's just a girl!" A male voice shouted, rooting for her opponent.

Dani's blood boiled. Again, she was sure of two things.

My opponent is a guy.

I am still gonna to win.

"Go!" Drew shouted, backing out of the dirt circle. Dani's sword suddenly felt lightweight, as she began to move clockwise, circling the field, and her opponent followed, moving around each other. Dani's back crouched, her body anticipating his every possible move, her mind planning three moves ahead...

Dani heard the swish of a blade and saw a flash of silver, his sword coming directly at her. Her shield covering her body, she heard the clang of metal and his steps to retreat. Dani twirled her sword between her fingers by the holt. Her shield at her side, Dani lunged forward at his chest.

He was too fast, side-stepping to the left so all Dani hit was the ground. There was sudden silence.

A sudden sharp cut on Dani's arm, a burning sensation, and drops of blood ran down her forearm. Her hand flew to the open skin, trying to prevent any more blood loss. She could feel the burning slowly fade, as her body began to heal the wound. His breath was shaky, but close. She turned around, only to realize her opponent was nowhere to be seen. What was happening? A sudden lurch in her stomach and a blow in the gut made her realize something. Something with the utmost amount of horror. He can camouflage. Dani thought. Camouflage is the ability to blend in with one's surroundings or turn invisible. It is a great skill to possess, but difficult to receive. She couldn't see him, but she could hear him. His breathing became faintly louder, ragged, and ... afraid?

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