Capturing a Heart

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Rayne is your average teenage human boy. He gets bullied constantly at school because he is gay. He is a senior that's on the high honor roll and never breaks the rules or draws attention to himself. Rayne's parents are both gay, he has two fathers and his mother left him when he was younger. They are a middle class family with Dad (Greg) as a doctor and Father (Mark) owning a nice resturant. Life is all normal until a ceartain someone enters his life.

Liam is a werewolf in the Blood Eclipse pack under the leading of Alpha Calla. He is third in command next to Beta Jasper. Liam goes to highschool with Humans because their pack moved back to their old pack house. Liam is a senior and plays football along with other guys in the pack, their team is unstoppable because of the strength. And when he comes across his mate he can't help but being curious, and not being able to ignore the mating pull he falls in love.

Chapter One

Rayne's POV

I groan as I pull myself out of bed. I hate Mondays but so does everyone. I walk over to my closet inspecting my clothes trying to find a nice outfit. I finally choose to wear blac skinny jeans, and a Black Viel Brides t-shirt along with my favorite black converse. People say I'm goth but I just like the color black and theres nothing wrong with that. I tug on the outfit I picked out and then I cross my room to my vanity. I know girls usually have vanitys but I need a place to put ny straighter and makeup so why not?

I may be gay but im not all girly. The 'gay' guys that act all girly are just looking for attention, real gay men are masculine and proud. I wouldn't call myself masculine, I'm not exactly muscly... im skin and bone. I sigh looking at my reflection in the mirror, my black hair is straight and it goes down to my chin and goes over my eye in the 'emo boy look' which is what people apparently call it. My eyes are a baby blue, and then my skin is pale, im 5'4" so I'm the average height of a girl which sucks because the guys on the soccer team hover over me. Tall people are scary.

Remembering that I had school I straighten my fringe, and then I apply eyeliner under my blue eyes and then smiling before doing mg bussiness in the bathroom and brushing my teeth. "LETS GO RAYNE!" Mark yells. I roll my eyes, people always must rush me. I sigh before picking up my bag and slinging it on my back. I trudge down the stairs not happy that I have to go to school, honestly I'm not excited about seeing which new phrase is sharpied on my locker.

Greg gives me a big smile when he sees me, he engulfs me in a hug and laughs, "Don't look so misersbke Rain Cloud!" I can't help but smile at ny nickname. My dads have been calling my Rain Cloud since I was a little boy and I loved it. I roll my eyes are Greg before replying, "School is always miserable so I might as well prepare myself for what is to come." Greg snorts while laughing, "That is so true!!!!" he exclaims. I nod while grinning, "Exactly."

Mark walks in the room and once he sees Greg he smiles and sanunters over to kiss his cheeks and whispering loving words. I roll my eyes, "I'm going to leave before you guys push me to want to rip my eyeballs out of my face." They laugh at me and tell me to have a good day at school. I head out of the door hopping into my car. It's a black mercades... I guess it fits my whole 'look' but I just like it cause it purrs when I drive it. I pull out if the drive way and begin my 10 minute drive to my personal hell.

I have one friend and her name is Ellie. She has beautiful brown short hair and green eyes that make you want to smile, and she's taller then me which is just sad. Ellie has been a great friend to me over the years in highschool, always sticking up for me against bullies. The time seemed to fly while I thought about my only friend. I groaned as I pulled into the parking lot of hell. The best Highschool in the Colordo state. The kids that went here were complete jerks. The girls were slutty and the guys were either nerds, Goths, or complete muscly jocks.

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