Chapter 37: Image (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

Kid Flash frowned as he looked at Robin's determined face. He's not gonna lie, he was really worried about the other.

For pete's sake, M'Gann managed to startle him earlier! Not to mention what happened with Robin blinking. Things are getting worse and KF couldn't do a thing.


The team approached Harjavti in stealth mode. The man was all alone; just sitting there. (sketchy)

The man asked about his daughter but the a bunch of men ran into the room, surrounding the team.

Telepathically, Superboy told the team that he noticed the weapons they had were Apocolyptan.

"They'll use it on Harjavti and then we'll get blamed. Queen Bee will then get to rule Qurac! Form up around the president!" Robin telepathically said.

Miss M snuck past the men though and flew off, claiming to have found Psimon.

Superboy was about to go after her but Robin reminded him that Harjavti was the mission.


All the men were knocked unconscious by the team and Harjavti's daughter thanked them (idk how/ when she got in the room but whatever).

The ran off, looking for Miss M, but were hit with a psychic attack by.. M'Gann.

Psimon had caused her to shift into her true form earlier and she had attacked her own team to keep them from seeing it.


The YJ team woke up to see the room in a complete wreck. M'Gann smiled at Conner and said Psimon had attacked them but she managed to stop him.

Psimon just laid there, eyes wide but he was completely motionless.


Queen Bee threatened that she'll get Qurac but she was taken away.

It turned out to have been Miss M.

Robin walked a bit closer and said softly, "Sorry you had to lie.."

KF placed a hand on Rob's shoulder and tried to cheer him up.

"Dude! Saving a country! Pretty big win for your first turn as leader."

Robin mouthed a thanks but he didn't seem happy. He shouldn't lead the team... He couldn't help but think about failsafe. He had led his friends to their death... All for the sake of the mission...

KF kept a smile on his face but he was still worried about the other.

He's going to have a talk with someone about this..


They watched the news as Bruce Wayne said his foundation will do whatever they can to help the people of Qurac.

"Gee, Bruce Wayne sure got here fast. Almost like he knew-"

KF was jabbed by Robin's elbow.

"Hello, Megan!" KF facepalmed before picking up the tape and speeding in front of M'Gann.

"Something you'd like to tell us?" He asked with a lot of sass. He even had his hand on his hip!

She turned to the others before starting.

"Growing up on Mars was not a happy time for me, but I started watching the broadcasts my uncle sent from Earth to teach us about our sister planet. When I saw "Hello, Megan!" something just clicked; maybe it was the similarities in our names, maybe it was the way all of Megan's problems could be solved in 22 minutes. All I know for sure is that Megan helped e smile through a lonely childhood. So, when i came to Earth and had to adopt a human form, I chose you, well, uh, megan." She looked at Marie. (I CHOOSE YOU, PIKACHU!)

KF and Robin shared a look.

KF asked, "What do you really look like?"

She got up and changed her appearance a bit. She now had no freckles or hair and had a slightly more mature looking face.

"Please don't be mad."

Marie said she was actually honored and considers M'Gann as family.


M'Gann went to check on Garfield but found Queen Bee sitting by Garfield's sleeping form.

Queen Bee threatened to reveal M'Gann's true form if she didn't cooperate. If she tried to stop Queen Bee, Garfield would get hurt.


"It's getting worse! What do we do!?" Wally was hysterical. He clearly was overwhelmed with worry and panick.

"I've been working on something but it's not done yet. It should be able to stop the effects."

This seemed to calm Wally down quite a bit.

"How much longer...?"

"Shouldn't be too long.."

If the goddamn Batman was unsure... Wally was back to panicking.


Now I wonder what's wrong with Robin.. Hmm~ ;) Anyway, here's the update! Only 5 more episodes before the season has been fully retold!

Thanks for reading!!

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