Chapter 1

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I was seven and a half when I got my new baby brother, Theodore Lindsay Templeton.

When I first laid eyes on him, it was an immediate dislike. Who was this guy? What did he want? Why was he so fat? But once I got to know my baby brother- and we just so happen to save the world from Francis Francis, he was like my best friend.

And when he turned into a real baby to live with us for good, I was overjoyed... but also... kinda sad.

Here I was, with a little brother who had been so grown up and mature... turned into just a baby... that really couldn't do much.

Yeah, I liked to play with him, and I still loved my little brother... but it was like I had lost my best friend in a way.

And in a sense... I kinda wanted him back.

But knew, that simply wasn't the way things worked.


At least... that's what I thought


"Templeton! Templeton!"

I woke up when I felt the small slap on my face and looked upwards with my sleepy eyes, seeing Theodore looking at me with an angry stare.

"Oh, hey, Ted."

"Hey, Nothing." Ted said to me, his voice deep and reverberating from his tiny infant body. "What is going on!"

I sat up on my bed. I was soon to turn eight. I looked at my brother with confused eyes and just asked.

"What are you talking about- w-wait." I said quickly. I looked to see he was wearing a white shirt and a nappy, and also looked to see he was very annoyed. I however, was stunned. "You're talking! Talking again!"

"Well, yeah. Thanks for pointing that out, Templeton."

"How is this possible? You've stopped taking the formula!"

"The baby's from HQ came to me... in the crib, and gave me a bottle. I being a baby and an IDIOT, took it... and then they saddled me with the news."

"What news...?"

I asked this frightened. I was scared that Ted was saying this, not curious nor desiring to know why he was telling me this. Just scared... I didn't want to lose my baby brother.

"They need me back."

My mouth opened, in silent horror. I looked into his light aqua coloured eyes, and only whispered.

"They what...?"

"They need me back... something's gone wrong."

"What?" I peeped. I didn't want to know the answer but he told me anyway.

"All the babies are going missing."

I didn't understand what he meant by that.

"What are you talking about-"

"Shhs, Tim!" Ted said, holding his tiny hand up to silence my outspoken thought. He seemed to be very quiet, his little ears perked up to hear something, but I couldn't hear a thing.

"You hear that...?" Ted said quietly, and I looked at him confused. I remained silent, and he looked back at me, his eyes wide and worried. "Silence..."


"Come over here..." Ted told me and jumped off my bed. He walked over to the window and climbed onto the window sill. He waved me over and I quickly obeyed, jumping up from my bed and following his previous steps to the window.

He pointed to the window latch, and I unlatched it, opening the glass by pushing it up.

He put his hand to his right ear and arched his head, as if trying to catch a whiff of something in the air. I did the same, as if on instinct, before Ted looked back at me and said concerned.


"Well it's the middle of the night?"

"Yes, but Tim." He said, his voice not into playing games or tickling rhetorical questions. "Babies are not crying in the night, newborns aren't keeping their parents awake... there's five babies on this street... they cry every night... but tonight... they're silent."

I blinked my eyes, realizing this. To be honest I had gotten quite used to the sounds of cries and shrieks by infants in the night. I had had my fair share with Boss Baby before he was my brother Theodore.

I looked at him worried, before turning my eyes again to the silent dead street. It was becoming winter now. We were on Christmas holidays, and everyone in the town was acting festive and cheery.

Ted snapped his thumb to bring me back to attention and I gazed at him, my eyes shiny with worry.

"Tim, I have to go back to know what is going on."

"But can it wait... till tomorrow... or next week?" I asked, hopeful that my little brother would not abandon me and leave me, mum and dad in the dust for his former baby life. He looked at me slowly, analysing my face but mostly my eyes, and seeing the fear that haunted me.

"I simply can't, Tim."

"Why not...?" I asked, my eyes getting slightly wetter from the worrying tears that had arose in the corners of them. My brother looked at me. His gaze seemed far away, as if he was thinking something that my child mind couldn't completely understand... but his mature brain inside an infant seemed to understand much more better than I.

The seconds seemed to stretch for so long in that minute. Time seems almost non existent as a child. It is always now in the moment that we focus on and never ruminate on things past. I guess because we didn't have much of a past to really think of, us being on this earth for so very little time... and Ted.

He had only really stepped foot into childhood, before it all came falling down when he had tasted again the sweet nector of that formula.

I waited for his answer, and finally it came. But it scared me half to death when the words left his mouth. How so very few words could haunt a child so.

"In case..." he began, and looked only at me, not breaking his sad gaze.

"In case I disappear too."

Baby Be Gone - A Boss Baby FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora