Chapter One - Part Four

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After a huge thunder sound the current went out and all you could hear was a glass breaking and a painful scream.The apartment was pitch-dark, the second the current went off.

Shawn [hysterically]: Y/N ARE YOU OKAY? Did you hurt yourself?
Y/N [in pain]: I dropped the jam jar a-and .. {cries}  It broke and I think I stepped on one shard. It hurts so bad, Shawn.
Shawn: Oh god. Don't move!
Y/N: {snarling} Why would I move with a shard in my foot!
Shawn: Shit! {face palmed himself}But you know what I meant! Don't move, I'll come towards you.

Y/n was standing on the opposite site of the marble table, thus Shawn used his hands to move forward. He sensed the desk with his hands and moved slowly towards her.

Y/N [afraid]: Shawn where are you?
Shawn: I'm still here! Don't be afraid. I'm moving slowly towards you
Y/n [worried]: Please be careful. I don't know where the shards are.
Shawn: I'll be careful dear - don't you worry. {Shawn stopped moving} Do you have a candle near by?
Y/N: I do! It's under the drawer, to your right, where you've been standing before. The lighter is in there as well.
Shawn: Perfect. Let me grab that candle and then I can help you.

Shawn went back to the drawer and opened it. Then he burrowed a bit and took a candle and a lighter out. The second the candle caught fire and start burning, he stretched his arm, which held the candle and searched for y/n. When he found her direction, all he saw was her face, full of tears and he felt terrible seeing her in pain.

Shawn: {he passed the candle towards y/n} Take it and look where the shards are and step away from them - be careful. I'll grab another candle and come to you, as soon as possible.
As he told, Shawn picked up another candle and put that one in the middle of the desk so he had a little overview of the kitchen. The light of the candle wasn't that bright but he was able to see more than just outlines.He moved the other war round towards y/n, so he wouldn't step on a shard.

Shawn: Don't be scared. I'm almost behind you. {his left hand is placed on the desk and he moves it to feel where the table ends and where the corner is} Did you step away from the shards yet?
Y/N: No, I can barely move. My foot is bleeding. I, I didn't stepped on it though but it cut my skin. It looks bad anyway from what I can tell. It hurts. It hurts so bad. {She starts crying}

Y/n hasn't moved an inch and was standing there, facing him with her back. Shawn reached out for her shoulder, to turn her a bit around and tried to get in front of her by passing her. He took the candle out of her hand and bend down.

Shawn: {Looks at her injured foot} Gee, that looks painful.
Y/N [achingly]: You're not very helpful, Shawn.. {takes a deep breath} I'm sorry I didn't mean it, like that. It's just .. the pain is so bad.
Shawn: I know and that's why you don't have to be sorry! Can you move?
Y/N: No. I can't move. I know it's just my foot and not my leg which got cut but still, my brain just blocks any kind of movement.
Shawn: You should probably lie down or at least sit down and I'll wound your laceration then.Y/N: But I can barely move, the next sitting spot is in my living room and .. {she turns her head towards the living room} and thinking of the distance, makes me dizzy. How am I supposed to get there?
Shawn: {Shawn stood up as put the candle on the table} Like this.

Within a few seconds, he placed his right hand on my back to secure it, bend his knees a bit down and put his left arm under the back of my knees. I know what is about to happen next. He will pick me up. He will seriously carry me back to the living room and help me sit down on my couch. The second he lifted me up, my head was a bit above his chest. He looked at me and asked me worried 'Did I hurt you while lifting you up?' I smiled and said 'No, I am fine.' Even though the pain of my foot was unbelievable, I smiled. I smiled the whole way from the kitchen back to the couch. I don't even know why. Was it because of him caring about me? Was it because of him being protective? Was it because of him at all? Yea - I think it's because of him and I don't know how I feel about that, but right now it feels good.

Shawn: I'll help you sit down on the couch. {He looked her in the eyes} Tell me immediately if I hurt you, okay?
Y/N: {She looked up to him} I'll tell you then, thank you.

He was so careful while putting me down onto the couch. First he took away his right hand which secured my back while carrying me and then once he settled me down, he took his left arm away. I followed him with my eyes while he stood up and stretches his upper body and, and what was he searching for now? He looked around and I guess he couldn't really see anything because he left the candle on the kitchen table, when he carried me. He was leaving the living room, heading back to the kitchen and took the candle off the table. Then he came back to the living room and was still searching for something.

Y/N [confused]: What are you searching for?
Shawn: {Looking around the living room} I need a little stool or something.
Y/N: Well my couch is big enough for two haha
Shawn: No silly! I'm searching for a stool because you need to elevate your leg.
Y/N: Oh! There is a stool in the hallway but I'm fine I don't need a stool, Shawn.
Shawn: You do need a stool. You need to elevate your leg and moreover your foot! Let me go and get the stool. Shawn left me in the living room and came back with a stool. He placed the stool in front of me and came closer to me.
Shawn: {Looked me in the eyes} I'm going to lift your leg up and place it on the top of the stool. Again, if I hurt you let me know.

I nodded and he took both of his arms and wrapped his hands around my leg. He lifted my left leg carefully up and placed it on the stool.

Shawn: I need a first-aid case to cure your leg. Do you have one?
Y/N: Yes, I do. It's in the bathroom.

Shawn went to the bathroom and took the first-aid case and came back. He opened the case and took some things out.

Shawn: I'll cure your leg now and it if you feel any kind of pressure on your foot, let me know okay?
Y/N: I'll let you know.

I looked at him. His head was bowed and all I couldn't see was his fluffy hair and how he was curing my foot. 

Y/N [looking at him]: Thank you Shawn! Thank you so much.
Shawn {looked up}: For what?
Y/N: For everything and I'm sorry that you aren't home yet but here with me taking care of me. Shawn: You don't need to thank me and you definitely don't need to be sorry! I'm glad that I'm here. Imagine, you being alone without anyone's help.
Y/N: You're right but still ..
Shawn {looking at her}: It's okay!  {He smiles and then stood up} Alright, the  bandage I've put around your foot, can be taken off by tomorrow. Then the laceration should be healed.
Y/N: Sounds great, thanks.

The current came back and the lights went on automatically.

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