Chapter Twenty Four

Start from the beginning

"I'll think you find I remember perfectly well what I put in our glasses and you drank it happily... toffee vodka, normal vodka, bacardi, peach schnapps, orange juice, mango juice and some weird Caribbean twist strawberry daiquiri mix thing!" I giggled, she shook her head at me. "And you'll remember how sick we were that night, you had your head down the toilet and mine was in the sink because you were in the toilet!" She laughed. We are a couple of screw ups but that was one heck of a night.

We took the stuff with us, the teapot and cups floating behind me as we made our way to the ballroom. I was surprised to see Jasper and his father there as well as the council and Miss Felicity obviously. The class was there too with Prof H and the marshmallows. He must have stolen them when we left to get the stuff. I set the tea pot to begin making the tea. "Don't question the tea, I'm just trying it okay?" I told Prof H, who actually looked quite impressed, "oh and I'm not drinking it alone... I followed Miss Hopkins recipe and if it tastes awful I don't want to be the only one to taste it."

The tea was pouring and straining into several cups. "Rose takes one since she'll be listening out if I need help, you take one professor since you stole the marshmallows," I ordered which caused the council to laugh, "There's one more cup so..." I looked around to find someone. "I'll take it, I'll be checking to see if your telling the truth... even though I know you are it's just what I've been told to do," Jasper admitted. I smiled and a cup floated towards him.

I left mine following me about whilst I set the six candles into a circle. Prof H threw me my cards, he's been looking after them so I don't go off and use them anymore without telling anyone. I didn't catch them. I let my telekinesis pull them out of the box, shuffle them and place them in a three tiered semi circle inside the circle created by the candles. I didn't need the candles to represent anything, I just needed them to create a barrier to protect me. I took the smudge stick from Rose and a mortar to put it in.

I gently took a step into the circle, placing the smudge stick and mortar to my left, the tea cup floating and sitting to my right. I closed my eyes and breathed, I heard the candles light as I did. I then clicked my fingers to leave a flame on the tip of my index finger and used it to set alight to the smudge stick. The smudge stick floated from the mortar into the air as I picked up my tea. I blew out the flame and allowed it to move around, purifying myself, the cards and the entire room full of people. "Rose come sit to my left, Jasper to my right please," I told them, they moved quickly and sat down with their cups.

The smudge stick wafted its smoke over them. "Drink," I smiled, we all drank the tea. It wasn't that bad but I wouldn't drink it all the time however, for something like this it's okay. "May the light guide us to the answers we wish to seek," I whispered, "your question please... no yes or no answers so don't give me a yes or no question." Harold walked over but kept his distance from the candles. "You've been released from the demon but what will happen to you in the future concerning such beings?" He asked. I automatically lifted a single card and greeted an old but ominous friend.

"Chaos," I laughed, "as if my life wasn't already in chaos... then again maybe the chaos I've been experiencing was only the tip of the iceberg." I pondered in my head the question why? Why more chaos? I brought my hand to another card and sighed at its sight. "My favourite... not," I grumbled at the card. Vision. "Rose keep with me in my head to give me the courage to keep going even if I see something I don't like... don't pull me out of it until I've finished what I'm saying, if I actually say something," I explained, "I don't seem to say much anymore... I apologise now for if anything happens."

Professor H stepped over to the council. "We had an incident, the walls were scratched, the windows smashed... she was screaming and hurt," he told them, "best give her some space." I am going to need all the luck I can get. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. When I opened them I found myself watching.... myself. Oh dear god no... I was in a bed. With Casper and we were... heck no! I watched myself, frozen in my place. I couldn't turn my head from us. I watched me enjoying it until he bit me. Light and dark, day and night, tempting fate, vicious bite...

The words swirling in my mind as I watched Casper make me his and turn me. I screamed and screamed and screamed as I watched. I could hear Rose wanting to pull me out but I stopped her. The vision shifted. I found myself watching myself once again. This time I was watching me about to have/ having the vision... it was weird. I turned to see a man. A man with golden blonde hair and pale blue eyes that seemed to sparkle. "Who are you... and why are you watching me?" I asked. "Remarkable," he breathed, "I'm watching over you little princess... I will protect you." What to choose? Who will stay? Feathers white, won't betray...

"Will you protect me from Casper?" I asked, "he wants to turn me... I just saw him do it... in his bed." Tears began to fall as I took his hand and showed him the first part of my vision, his face was with utter shock and then anger. "I will not let that creature touch you," he growled, "you will be safe with me at your side, I will be watching and will help when you need it. Eyes of red thirst for blood...

The vision shifted once again. A dark room, dimly lit by candles. A creature I did not want to meet again. It moved when it saw me, giving a low chuckle. Although I could not see its face, I knew it was smiling. He grabbed my arm and its form began to shift as it did with Malphas... it was me who changed it last time I saw him. Dear lord... what have I done. My screaming began once again, more than before with Casper. I fear this creature more than anyone. Creature dark, creature would, take thy soul, make it his, give him form, unholy bliss..

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