Dresses, what? | 4 |

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Your POV:

A year already passed by already.

Afuro's POV:

I was looking for Kazemaru and Midorikawa. I looked everywhere but nothing. Luckily I saw Midorikawa,

Oh goodie this is going to be fun!!

"Oi! Ryugi!" I called out to him. He turns to me and looks at me, and waves.

"Hey!" he says. I walked to him. "What's up?" He asks. "Can you help me find Kazemaru?" He nods. "Sure why not?" He says.

We started searching for Kazemaru, but to no avail. We asked everyone if they have seen him,  but nothing too.

"Did you see him?" I ask Midorikawa. He frowns and shook his head.

Then I remembered... The locker room.

I gulped, I hope what my senses are telling me is wrong..

I called up Haruna...She soon picked up.

"Hello Afuro?" she says in the other line." Oh hey Haruna did Endou got home yet?" I asked, I heard a 'yep' from her in the other line

"He hasn't came back yet, he said earlier today that he's just going to shower...And he also said that we should go home first instead." I kept silent.

"If you want to know anything more, try calling Kazemaru himself.." I sighed

"I already did that but he wasn't answering." She stayed silent. "Try calling Aki... I just walked away after what he said." Haruna adds. 

"Thanks Haruna..I just can't get this feeling out of my system.. " She sighs.." Yeah i hope my guts ate wrong too..i hope they are not doing on what I think they're doing.." She says and I hummed in agreement.

"Thanks Haruna.." I said I looked for them in the locker room. Fortunately they aren't doing any thing.Good to know." Endou, Kazemaru!" I was surprised to only see Kazemaru in the locker room. He was already cleaned up.

He noticed me and waves i walked up to him. " What took you so long?" I asked.

"Well everybody was already out that's when I realized the water flow on the other stalls stopped.

The only thing that had a free flow was on Endou's stall so I had to wait a few minutes." He says. "Oh, okay.." I said "Well follow me Midorikawa's waiting for us outside." I told him.

He noded. He went outside and he looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"What?" I asked him. "Its just that, its weird for you to be searching for someone you used  to hate. " He says. "Awwe come on Kazemaru, don't be like that!" I said.

We reached Midorikawa. "Thank goodness." He says. I took a deep breathe in and out.
"Come here" I dragged them along the classroom. Class 2-1.

"What are we doing here?" Kazemaru asks, looking around I grabbed the bag that was in my desk. I snatched a teal colored maid outfit and the Green colored dress with a big Ribbon on the back. I turned to them and handed the maid outfit and the dress. "What are we going to do with this?" Midorikawa asked.

"Well since I won the bet about coach (Y/N) 9months ago then you'll do what i tell you to do." I said. " 9 months and you still haven't forgotten...?" Midorikawa asked.

"And what do I have to do in this..? I'm in no part of your bet so how come i got hooked here?" Kazemaru asked too. " Nothing i figured that you would look cute if somehow you wear that outfit plus it Kinda suits you.." I said looking at the dress and Kazemaru.

"And do you even know what size I am?" He adds. "Just put it on!" I snapped.

~~~Time Skip~~~

After waiting for what seemed like forever,  they both finally got out.

Kazemaru went out wearing the maid outfit and with Midorikawa with the Green dress. "How did you even know our sizes?" Midorikawa asked. I winked and said


They sighed and gave up.

"So go to Endou and Hiroto." I said "NO!" they said blushing

I sighed and walked in the locker room to get in touch with Endou and Hiroto.

Edited: title, misspellings,  chapter number

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